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—5.03 P.M—

"Do you all have any plans today?" Jennie asked her friends.
Jisoo replied, "Yeah, I do. I'm gonna go home and visit my parents."
"Me too," Lisa added.
"I guess we all have somewhere to go. We should get going now," Chaeyoung said.

"Alright. I'll stay here for the whole day, then," Jennie said. "See you guys tomorrow. Bye."
The four of them waved goodbye at each other and went their separate ways.

5.21 PM

I'm going to visit my parents first. It's really been a long time since the last time I visited. Walking the sidewalk along the blue sky and setting sun brings back a lot of memories. I'm glad it's early summer right now, where the sun sets at night. So this is where the triangle gimbap middle schooler grew up, and now out of nowhere she's going to war.

Knock, knock, knock.

The door opens, and her dad showed up on the door in front of her.
"Dad!" Jisoo exclaimed.
"My little baby! It's been a long time." Her dad hugged her tightly. "Come in, let's talk together."

Jisoo took off her shoes and went inside the small, narrow way to the living room where the old TV plays the news on them. She took a good look around. Old, faded family portraits and pictures of her were hanging on the walls, and vases and a small bonsai plant sat on the shelf.

"Mom!" Jisoo hugged her mom, who just went out of the kitchen to greet her.
Her mom took a good look at her. "Aigoo, you've gotten slimmer. You used to have big chubby cheeks. Did you exercise too much?" Her mom pinched both of her cheeks. "Sit down, I'll serve dinner for you."

Her mom went back in the kitchen and came back with a variety of dishes. She laid out the
metal rice bowls, and then came the squid, kimchi, seaweed soup and a feast of other side dishes. The three of them filled their stomachs and emptied the whole table.

When they finished eating, Jisoo's dad asked her, "Chu-yah, how's the army doing for you? Why did they let you off today?"

Jisoo replied, "It's great, Dad." She paused for a moment. "Mom, Dad, I came here to tell you something."

"Yes, honey. What is it?" Her parents asked.

Jisoo said, "I'm... getting deployed abroad two days from now."

"Deployed? What? Does that mean you're going to war?" Her mom asked worriedly.

Jisoo tried to find the right words to soothe her parents down. "No, no, no, Mom. I'm not going to get in the middle of a field and fight with guns. I'm being sent to accompany the soldiers at our base in Iraq."

"Iraq?" Both of her parents raised their voice at the thought of their daughter being sent to one of the most dangerous war zones.

Jisoo tried to calm them down. "No, mom. I'm not going to fight, don't worry. I'm simply stationed at their base to accompany them. I'll be fine, seriously. I..."

Jisoo sighed. "Mom, Dad, when I'm in Iraq, I'll take care of myself. I'll do my best to do that, I promise. But... I'm also a soldier and it's my duty to fight for our country."
She continued, "Whatever happens, please trust me that I'm in good hands and that I'm doing the right thing. You know me, I'm the type of person that knows what I'm doing."

Duty • Military AU, Blackpink • JenchulichaengWhere stories live. Discover now