Long day

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Angelina POV

David drove so fast that I almost lost my voice by yelling at him.Finally after driving for a long time he stopped the car . I looked at the surroundings and was surprised to see only trees around. The sun was slowly settling down and we could hear many birds chirping returning to their nests.

Nests!, OMG it reminded me of children , they would be waiting for me at home.

"Don't worry I will drop you back home as soon as possible" David said after breathing heavily.

"You better, and what is all this drama, why did you drive so fast and where are we?" I said looking outside once again curiously.

"I am sorry Lina, I am really sorry, I shall drop you back, please give me sometime" he said clearing off all the sweat from his face with a paper napkin.

I looked at him confusedly , why is he so bothered if somebody takes pictures of him , where as he appears in television and news paper very often.

"David" I said patting on his shoulder " are you okay?"

"Ya, I am, Lina can I ask you something?" he said looking at me sadly.

My heart melted looking at his sad expression, whatever is bothering him right now is beyond my imagination, but I can clearly see that he is having lot of hidden sadness in his heart.

"Yes David, please ask" I said holding his hand.

"If in future you get any kind of trouble because of the pictures they have taken of us today, can you promise me that you wouldn't leave my friendship"

"What?, why would I land in trouble?, I can't get what you are saying" I said letting out a humourless laugh.

"It's complicated Angelina, I will explain you everything clearly, but promise me first"

"Sure, don't worry, why would I lose such a good friend as you, just because someone has taken our pictures, it's nonsense " I said controlling my anger.

This man is crazy and none of his words make any sense to me!!

"You might be thinking that I am crazy but soon you will realise whatever I am saying is true, I am sorry having knowing all the facts I have put you in trouble"

"David!, we can discuss all this later, please can we go back , my phone is running out of battery and I am really worried about children back home"

"Hmm, okay, let's discuss about this later" I felt like I was really rude to him, but I was actually, very much worried about kids.

David drove back home silently and I stared at the road in front of us with my brain completely shut down. I couldn't even recall what happened in the afternoon, It was just a blank expression on my face.

"Lina, I shall drop you here" he said stopping a bit far from my house "I am sorry again, I ruined your whole day"

I opened the car door and before getting down looked at him once again " David, it's okay, we can talk whenever you want us to, please don't feel sorry, have a good night"

He didn't say anything but was looking very tired and sad. I waited few seconds for his answer and thought it would be better to leave him alone.

I adjusted my handbag and took heavy steps towards my apartment, I know David was hurt , but I am worried about my children more than him, I could only wish that he would understand.

Once I reached home, I was surprised that the door was completely open and loud music was coming from inside. I left my shoes outside and looked at my face in the window's glass, I wasn't looking that horrible. I sighed a little and went inside.

"Reb, George, sorry honey I am late today, hope you guys are not angry with me" I kissed them on their foreheads but they were too busy watching a show on TV.

"Let me make some chicken fried rice for you guys today"

"Not required I have already got them Burritos "
Lisa announced from kitchen and I was really surprised to listen to her voice all of a sudden.

"Whoa!, when did you come?" I said grabbing a glass of water from her hand.

"Reb called me" she said in a frustrating tone.

"Oh, well I am sorry I put you in trouble" I replied angrily back as I don't like the way she replied me.

Lisa rolled her eyes and crossed  hands against her chest "Are you going to be rude to all of your friends like this?"

Looking at her I understood that she had met Peter and he might have added lots of butter to his story and explained her about all of the fight.

"Yes I am, do you have any problem?" I said without looking at her.

"Children have your food okay, I am leaving now" Lisa took her bag and left the house without saying anything to me, I really felt bad because she didn't give a chance to explain what happened exactly st the cafe.

I decided of ringing her next day and explain her everything .Just a moment earlier when I entered the house I was feeling very thirsty and hungry but the way Lisa left me, I felt very sad.It was a long day for me, I decided to take off next day as I feel very tired.

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