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Angelina Pov

I woke up very late this morning as I am myself completely prepared that I am no more going to cafe.
I cleared the tears which were still fresh from last night crying, thanks to Reb and her continuous insults as usual.Last night she left to USA and as usual she had a big fight verbally abusing me  for not finding any job yet

"Mom!, I am hungry" George came into my bedroom without knocking and hugged me tight.

"George!" I said in a harsh tone "you are supposed to knock before you enter my room" .

"Oh come on mom!, you are my sweety, cutiee mom right?" he said hugging me more tight and all my anger vanished away. I smiled on his shoulder and hugged him again.

"Really?, from when on?" I said laughing heartily.

"Hmm.., " he said hitting his head with index finger "from the time I was born" he giggled looking at my expression.

"Okay, what do you want to have for breakfast?" I silently prayed he wouldn't ask anything extraordinary as I am completely drained out of energy to make something.

"Breakfast?, do you know what's the time now mom?" he said throwing a smirk at me.

"What time?" I said looking at the watch and my mouth dropped to ground looking at it. It was 11.00am

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because I knew you were crying whole night. I woke up at 7 , I came downstairs and found you sleeping , horribly snoring, so I made myself some bread toast.But now I am hungry again, can you make some pasta mommy?, so that my tummy will be full and you need not be in the kitchen for long time, I promise I shall help you" he said touching his Adam's apple.

"I am so sorry honey, I didn't realise that it was so late, I shall quickly bath and come, mean while can you put pasta on stove for boiling?" I said swallowing hard.

"Sure, by the way where is Aunt Lisa?"

"She went to her hometown, she has gone for a long holiday, why do you miss her?"

"Yes mom!, there is no one here, how am I going to spend my holidays?" he said looking at his feet.The sad expression of George melted my heart.

"Let's go somewhere after lunch, bowling or some gaming centre?" I said trying to cheer him up.

"No mom, those places are expensive, my friend said he had to spend 100$ just for one game of bowling" he said making his big eyes more bigger.

100$ is indeed an expensive deal for me, but I didn't want to disappoint George."it's okay Georgie , if not games we will go for a movie and have some super fatty street side food, what do you say?"

"That's a good idea!, let me cook pasta now" he literally pushed me into bathroom and rushed into kitchen.

I looked at my puffy and swollen eyes in the mirror, my face looked ugly with all of the mascara spread around my eyes and eyebrows.If Reb was here she would have heartily laughed looking at my eyes and face.Thinking of her it reminded me to call her teachers and ask whether they had a safe trip.

I tried to finish brushing my teeth and bathing quickly.When I came out of the bathroom I reminded myself to call Rebecca's teacher and was shocked to look at the phone screen.

3 missed calls from David
1 missed call from Some unknown number may be from Reb.

I ignored David's number and dialled the unknown number wondering whether it was from Reb

"Hello, I am sorry I missed your call" I said as soon as they took my call

"Oh mom!, can't you check the time before you call me?, it's midnight here!" I could hear the same old tone from Reb.

"Oh I am sorry honey, are you okay?, did you reach safely?"

"Yes I am , and how will I call you if I am not okay?, and listen mom, please don't call me on this number all the time, I shall give you a call whenever I am free, understand?"

Listening to her harsh tone I sometimes wonder would there be any single moment in my life when she would talk to me politely?.

"Yes honey I understood, you take care and all the best" I said in a rather lower voice.

"Okay give my love to George, bye" she cut the call and I looked at ceiling with my moist eyes, yes as long as this girl talks to me like this my eyes wouldn't stop shedding tears.

"Mom!, pasta is all cooked can you come and make some sauce please" George yelled from kitchen.

"Two minutes darling" I said wiping off tears.

Me and George enjoyed making our own white pasta sauce, he was happy to listen about Reb reaching safely.Even though I was laughing and playing around with George the missed calls from David was playing in my head.

We ate lots of pasta until we felt our stomach would burst out.We both felt so lazy that we left all of the dishes in sink and went into living room to watch some movie.The movie went on for two hours.After watching the whole movie, George slowly started yawning.

"Mom let's stay home today, after eating pasta I am feeling too sleepy and lazy, lets go tomorrow" George said sleeping in my lap and closing his eyes.

"Sure whatever you say" I said switching off the Tv and grabbing my phone.

A message popped up "you have 2 voice messages from David, please dial 123 to listen"

Looking at The name David always feels like butterflies dancing in my tummy. I thought he completely forgot me, but I wonder why is he calling me again.

I dialled the number and listened to his words

"Hey Lina, this is David, can I come to your apartment today to meet you and George?"

I found that same message was repeated twice.

I wondered why was he all of a sudden so desperate to meet me?, well he will definitely hate me if he comes to know that I am a jobless and useless person now.

Just then we heard someone knocked the door .George moved in his position, I tried to slowly make him sleep comfortably on the couch and opened the door.

He was standing there staring at me, white  shirt and blue jeans pant.He looked fresh and happy all smiling, I couldn't believe my eyes as I thought I will never meet him in future.

"Peter!" I said in a low tone.

"Can I come in Lina?" he said in a weird voice.

"Yes of course "

I shut the door and looked at Peter, wondering what would happen in another few minutes!

MY FORTY YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND                            Where stories live. Discover now