Sweet companion

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Angelina's POV

"Good morning" Daniel smiled into my face as I woke up to some computer clicking sound.

He was all dressed up and I guess he is going to attend some meeting. "What's the time?" I say getting up and cover up immediately realising I am wearing nothing.Looking at my foolish face David splits up laughing.

"What?" I say blushing and covering up my front as much as possible

"Its 5.30 am, I woke up at 4 as I had a meeting with USA customer, you can get up after sometime, I shall make your breakfast ready and then we can go to court together"

"Geez, where's my dress?" I say searching all around frantically.

"Here, but its okay, I have a new dress for you, when you get up you can go take bath straight from here" he said a naughty smile spreading across his face.

I frown at him "how did you manage to get a dress so fast?"

David put the laptop aside and slept beside me placing his hand around my waist "that's my mom's, she has many new dresses in her wardrobe , I just picked up one for you"

I caressed his hand " Don't you think its too much David ? , I mean you accompanying me to court, me wearing expensive designer dress of your mom, wouldn't people think I am a gold digger?"

"People will say whatever they want darling, Truth is I care about you, I don't care about any one , no force , no comments bother me as long as I am with you and you are with me"

I turned to face him " you are crazy" I pecked on his lips "I am no more feeling sleepy can I go and have a bath?"

"Wait!, what's the hurry? I didn't allow you to sleep last night anyway?, did it hurt you?" he said pulling me into him.

"Yes it did, its been long time I had encountered with anyone after Jack" I swallow the hardness formed in my throat "Thanks for bringing in me all those feelings back David, I feel like a human, a woman , I feel I am beautiful, I am confident that I can bring happiness in a person's life" I said playing with a button on his shirt.

"Oh Lina!, you are my baby, my beautiful baby who made me happy, sorry that I hurt you next time will be slow okay" David pulled me on top of him , tickling me all through the waist, I couldn't stop giggling.

"Stop it David"

"Nope, lets have one more round there's plenty of time" he said caressing my hair.

"No way!" I grab my old dress and ran towards the bathroom and looked back at him to see his reaction.

David looks at me sadly and then lies on the sofa imitating that he is helpless. I smile to myself while finding for a fresh tooth brush and toothpaste in the bathroom, just then I observe my surroundings.

Omg!,  literally all the beauty products that are available on the earth were present here. But one thing that attracted me were the bath salts which are my favourite.

"Take your time darling!, you can use any product you need I am heading downstairs to make your breakfast" David's voice hollered along the room.

I  made myself a comfortable bath by putting all of the bath salt bottle into the tub, suddenly I found some taps kind of a thing and realised its a spa

I couldn't control my excitement and started using the spa , warm water gushed onto my back and legs relaxing my muscles. I enjoyed the spa for another ten minutes and came out by wrapping in a big white towel around me. I observed that there was a beautiful pink skirt and white top placed over a small table.

MY FORTY YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND                            Where stories live. Discover now