The stranger

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I couldn't believe myself as I was carrying the offer letter home while I was trying to protect it from stupid little rain as Melbourne weather is completely unpredictable.The rain lasted only for few minutes but it made weather so cold that my teeth started's supposed to be a hot summer in here but its as cold as winter.

I tried to walk as fast as possible to home so that I could share this happiness with George.

"Hi mummy, how was your day?" George came in hugging me as soon as he opened the door for me.

"I have a good news for you Georgie, I got a job in a good restaurant"

"Wow! Congratulations mommy, well are you going to go to work from tomorrow?" he says looking worried.

I couldn't understand first why he was upset and then suddenly I realise that Reb is coming back tomorrow but that would be evening.

"Yeah, but I will be back to receive Reb at airport George" even though we both know the police wouldn't allow it.

"Well I hope Reb realises her mistake and be polite with you hereafter" he says gritting his teeth.

"Dont be harsh on your sister George, yes this is all for our good, yes it would be great if she realises her mistakes and be humble and caring hereafter, but we never know how would be the impact of courts and lawyers will be on Teenagers, only time will decide" I sighed a little patting on his head.

"May I ask you something mom?"


"Did you and David uncle fight again?, why isn't he calling or visiting us?"

Listening to David's name my heart suddenly skips a bit, I miss him so much, there's not a single day when he has called me or messaged me, so many sorries and love messages, but I do not have any courage to invite him in my life again.

"Mom!" George shook me and I came out of my reverie

" well there was a fight between us George, we may not see him again" I said swallowing hard.

"No!, you are lying, Uncle David cannot be bad at all, there's definitely some mistake from your side, you have misunderstood him , why don't you call him and see"

"George they are wealthy and powerful people, they won't care about us, have you observed his grandma's behaviour with us?, she doesn't like us   , its complicated George , you won't understand" I felt so sad for George but what could I do?, I have seen David kissing Ella, I can't get that out of my mind.

"Whatever you say mom!, I know uncle will definitely come to us back again, he might be busy but he would never forget us"

I wanted to break the conversation and make the environment lighter.

"Shall we order Pizza honey?, that's my treat today"

George rolls his eyes like a big man and nods his head which makes me laugh louder, well I would have died long back ago if Georgie wasn't there in my life.


The next morning I felt fresh than usual, even though I had this strange feeling in my heart a pain which reminded me to face Reb this evening, the excitement of going to work encouraged me to move forward.Since its a very big place to work for I took extra care in looking good unlike how I used to go to my previous cafe.

It took me not so long to reach the restaurant. I took my new Apron, ID card from receptionist and went straight ahead to kitchen.

"Hi Angelina, this is Stephan, the manager of kitchen" A middle aged man probably in early 40's who was quite built and tall greeted me with a handshake.

MY FORTY YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND                            Where stories live. Discover now