Something Fishy!

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David's Pov

"Hey good morning David, Angelina and George wanted to say you a bye!, but you were sleeping like a bull!, so they didn't want to disturb you" Don said removing my sheets from my face!.

I yawned as I looked at him angrily "why are you disturbing me now?, I want to sleep for some more time" I pulled the sheets from him and covered my face again.

"That's because your secretary Jonathan is here, God knows why did he end his holiday within five days, but he wants to urgently meet you"

"What?" I said groaning, "this idiot can't even enjoy a holiday, make breakfast for everyone I will be downstairs in fifteen minutes"

Pushing the sheets aside with frustration, I rushed into bathroom, I wanted to visit Lina in the afternoon and take her out, but looks like the plans are going to be different. While taking shower I started thinking about Lina, how romantic it would if she is here with me in the shower, we kissing each other and making love, I wish that day would soon come and we live happily in this mansion ever after.

"Hello Jonathan, what's the matter you seem to finish your holiday so fast?, is mom okay?" I said shaking his hand once I came downstairs.

"Yes sir.." he sounded sad "mom fell sick after few days of travelling, doctor suggested not to travel as her condition is deteriorating, she is having only few months..." his voice cracked and tears brimmed his eyes.

I felt so sad looking at him, So did Don as his expression softened looking at Jonathan. Losing mom is the most worst and painful thing in this whole world, and if you know it in advance its even more worst!

"Oh I am sorry to hear that Jonathan, please be brave, you should have used this holiday to be with her" I said sitting on dining table.

"She is in hospital intensive care sir, I am not allowed to be with her, I can go there only during visiting hours" he said taking his seat.

"Hmm, do let me know if you need any help"

"Sure sir"

Don brought in my favourite French toast and offered Jonathan a plate, we all had our breakfast silently as each of us were having different things running in our brain. I longed to call Lina but Jonathan doesn't know anything about my relationship with her, so I restrained myself.

"Sir, actually I am sorry to disturb you in the morning but we have a proposal from Mr. Jeremy"

Oh no!, that's Elizabeth's dad!, he is the most influential person in the country, he supplies all the raw materials required for our project, he has many government agencies in his grip and is highly successful and intelligent person.

"What is that?"

"Sir, he wants to have a dinner arranged with you so that he will discuss it with you, his daughter is the new Chairman of the company, she and her few delegates will join too"

I could figure out what all this means, Grandma is behind all of this as she doesn't want me to continue my relationship with Lina. She carefully planned overnight everything and arranged this meeting. I cannot avoid the meeting too, because I promised Government officials that we will soon give them the cost of construction. But why did Jeremy make his daughter as chairman, foolish man!.

I sighed heavily and looked at Don, his expression changed too, we silently wished that Angelina wouldnt know about this meeting with Ella Elizabeth.

MY FORTY YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND                            Where stories live. Discover now