Lets go back!

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Angelina's POV

I tried to open my eyes and it felt like someone has placed huge bags on them. I tried hard this time but to my dismay I found myself lying on a bed with David looking at me with a concern.

"Hey! Are you okay" he said caressing my cheek affectionately, he was showering the same love but I wasn't ready to take it anymore, suddenly his touch made me feel like thousands of insects crawling on my skin and I threw his hand away.

"Where's George, I want to go back home" I said looking at the ceiling.

"What happened Lina?, are you mad at me that I behaved with you rudely during lunch time?" David tried to act innocent which pissed me off more.

To make me more embarrassing before this heartless soul my stomach suddenly rumbled .

"See you are hungry, you have to have your lunch"

"I am not hungry, even if I am I don't want to touch the food from this place, I just want to leave" I said my voice cracking.

"Angelina Mam, the doctor said you fainted because you sugar levels are very low, if at all any of us hurt you during your stay, please forgive us , we can't send our guest empty stomach from here" a village lady all of a sudden appeared from No where and requested me.

My heart melted listening to the sweet words of the lady "thank you for your concern, sure I will have my lunch "

"Sure madam" she brought a tray full of food and my stupid mouth watered looking at the delicious dishes.

I caught David smiling and got furious, he doesn't have any idea of how I have felt listening to their conversation earlier.

I looked at the lady and spoke to her " can you ask your David sir to leave, I want to eat in peace?"

The lady looked worried and requested David through her eyes "sir , let's not upset madam"

David stood up calmly and left the room, sighing in relief I finished all of the food in one go, cursing myself for still being in this place helplessly I gulped a full glass of juice. I thanked the lady and once I felt energetic I got up from the bed, while I exited the room I found David sitting with his head lowered .

I ignored him and started walking outside.

"Hey Lina!, I am sorry okay, I am really sorry, I shouldn't have been upset with you earlier, please I promise I would never ever behave that way" he said grabbing my hand.

His hands were so strong that I had to literally struggle for my hand go off his grip "leave me David, let's not talk here, please drop me and George home" since I got energy now , I started taking huge step's towards the caravan, after a while I could see David following me.

Don't melt, just don't melt to his words, he is a cheater.

I kept saying until I reached the caravan, I went inside immediately and started packing mine and George's bag.

"What are you doing Lina, why so angry?, what have I done wrong?" he asked again increasing my blood pressure.

"Ask your heart what have you done David?, I overheard your conversation with your so called loving Grandma"

David remained silent and shocked as he didn't expect such a thing to happen.He kept looking at me shockingly as I put all of the stuff he bought me in the shopping centre in a bag and placed it in a cupboard in the caravan.

"Where is George?" I yelled at him as he looked at me sadly with tear filled eyes.

"Please Lina, I am very sorry my love, please give me a chance to explain" he said his voice cracking.

"No more explanations I feel like...I feel like I am in a big whirlpool or stuck under a big truck, I don't feel like breathing here, I am a fool to believe you...I didn't have any slight idea that your company has got the twin towers project...you know" I try to control my shivering body by placing my hands on my hips "I dont want to be here for a second" I walk past him with my luggage and get down from the Caravan.

I look back if David is following , he isn't, good for him!, I walk faster towards the lake so that I can grab George and run away.I find George playing in the sand happily, my heart tightened looking at his innocence.

He would definitely refuse to come with me now!, oh god why do you have to me put in such situations all the time.

I dropped my bags and covered my face with both the hands and started crying, the anger, the feeling of betrayal , everything made my heart sore.

After few minutes I took deep breath and went stumbling towards George.His face lit up looking at me.

"George !, let's get out of here, we are going home!" I announced and as expected George's face fell.

"But why Mom?, I thought we are travelling back tomorrow, are you not feeling well" he comes closer to me and touches my forehead to see if I developed any fever.

"You don't have any fever, did you fight with David or Don?, did they do anything wrong?"

"Nothing, I am not well, so Let's go"

"Noooo!, I am not coming with you, you are always ruin the happy holiday mood mummy!, by the way how can we go back?, do you have a car?, remember we travelled for Around ten hours to reach here"

That's true,how will we go from here?, we are stuck!, good trick by David.

"I am sorry honey, but I don't have any mood to stay here" I said picking up my bag.

"Angelina mam, David has instructed me that we are going back home, you can't go back all by yourself, since we got you here, its our responsibility to take you back, please come with me into Caravan, we promise we shall not disturb you" Don came in all of a sudden and uttered these words.

Tears fell from George's cheeks as he heard Don and started weeping more louder, I held his hand and followed Don to the Caravan.

"Let's never come back here George" I said looking at David's sad face who was waiting for us in Caravan.

MY FORTY YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND                            Where stories live. Discover now