Its over

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Angelina's POV

"Hello Grandma" I greeted her without looking at her face.

"How have you been dear?" she came closer to me "I see you are worried about something?"

"Oh nothing, actually I wanted to see David, I was surprised to see you here"

"Well there's a very important meeting going on with a client here, you see its personal and a professional meeting, David is going to get engaged to Ella this evening" she said lifting my chin "you better be away from him"

"No!  I don't believe you, David wouldn't betray me"

"Well, we would have seen in thousands of stories that a wealthy boy and a poor girl would love each other and ultimately he would fight with his family and win her love, but here its going to be different, the young couple are already kissing at the bar, you can go and see with your naked eyes if you want to"

Leaving the devil behind I took my handbag and ran towards the bar to see if whatever this idiotic woman was saying was true.

My head started spinning like a ball as soon as I saw what was happening before my eyes

David was kissing a young woman!, may be thats Ella, I could only see her back!, but David's face was covered with the girls face and he couldn't see me, few seconds later they stopped kissing and he looked at me.

I was standing there with my legs shivering , sweating from top to toe.

"Lina!" David came running towards me "hey! what made you come here?, are you okay?"

I glared at him " I am not okay David, and by the way congratulations on your engagement"

"What?" He frowned "what nonsense are you talking who told you that I am getting engaged, you have to trust me Lina"

Suddenly Ella came running towards David "David darling, everyone is waiting for you , who is this beggar by the way?" she looked at me as if I am a cockroach.

"Shut up Ella!, get lost!"

I started walking faster towards the entrance as I felt do awkward standing between them, she calling me beggar made me more mad!.

"Angel!, please don't leave me.." David tried to stop, he held my wrist so tight that I struggled to free my wrist from his huge hands.

"No! leave me alone, never have I expected this from you, cheater and liar" my voice croaked "a liar!"

"No! my love, you are mistaken, please give me some time to explain "

"It's all over between us David, please for god's sake, don't expect me to forgive you this time"

"Angelina!, what's your problem huh!, can't you listen for a second " David grabbed my wrist again and pulled me towards him.The warmth I still get in arms is  mesmerising, but none of his family members like our relationship, they are dangerous people!.

I glared at him , we both looked into each other's eyes for a minute, he couldn't take it anymore I guess , looking sadly at me he let me go off. I was sad he gave up so easily, but later I realised that people around us started taking pictures of me David and Ella.He came closer to me and whispered

"Lina darling that Ella is trying to manipulate things here, she was forcefully kissing me, I do not have any kind of feelings for her, please everyone is looking at us , lets go to that private room"

"David" I said purposefully sounding rude "I came here for a help...but may I ask you something, please never ever contact me or my children"

"Darling please, this is not the right place to talk, okay let me do one thing, I shall come to your house tomorrow morning, you please leave now, I know you are uncomfortable here"

"David!, I am leaving and you" I looked at him with tears falling from my eyes "go to hell!"

David stood like a statue and didn't say anything, he let me go peacefully and I ran towards the entrance, it felt like I was running away from a jungle of wild animals, through the corner of my eye I could see Ella grabbing David's hand and taking him somewhere.

I didn't look back,

I don't want to.,

Yes its better this way..,for both of us..

MY FORTY YEAR OLD BOYFRIEND                            Where stories live. Discover now