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You got to Brandon's house and Zach got into the car and you told him everything that was happening. He tried to calm you down but you were panicking. You drove to an old parking lot so you could quickly call Jack and hope he hadn't seen everything but by the time you got there, you had several texts from him.

J: Can you please explain what I'm seeing on my Instagram rn??
J: Why are you with your ex???
J: Maddie please call me, we need to talk!

You looked at the text and called Jack and he immediately answered.

"Maddie what the hell?! Why were you on what look like a date with Alex??" He said and you could tell he was angry
"Jack please let me explain, it's not as bad as it looks" you said trying to calm him down
"Well Maddie it looks pretty bad to me" Jack said
"No Jack I swear, he texted me yesterday and asked if we could talk, I said yes and we simply just met up to talk because we hadn't talked about anything since the breakup and he was just checking to make sure everything was okay" you said hoping he would believe you
"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were hanging out with him then, I wouldn't be as mad if you would have just told me" he said
"I was going to but I thought it would be better to just tell you the whole story when I got back" you said
"Well what in the world made you think that was a good idea?!" Jack asked still sounding very mad
"Zach told me to!!" You said
"Don't listen to Zach" he said
"Well I'm sorry, it's too late now" you said
"Maddie who the hell just goes and hangs out with the guy that cheated on them??? Last time I checked it was nobody" Jack said
"Jack we were just talking!!! I wasn't making out with him or anything! You're acting like a just went off and completely cheated on you"
"Well that's how it feels" Jack said and you could tell he was about to start tearing up
"Jack I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to find out about it this way, I was gonna tell you" you said and started to tear up
"I don't wanna talk right now Maddie, I'll see you when you get back" Jack said and hung up

You started crying and Zach was just silent and sitting there uncomfortably

"Zach what the hell! I thought you said it would be fine!" You said and hit Zach on the arm
"Well I wasn't expecting a fan to take freaking pictures of you! There's usually not paparazzi here" Zach said
"Well they did Zach and now Jack's mad at me and I won't see him until after tomorrow and the whole fandom thinks I'm dating Alex" you said and started crying more
"Well I know you probably don't want to take my advice right now but I think you should go to Alex's house and discuss this with him, I'll be there with you this time and no paparazzi" Zach said which wasn't a bad idea

You decided to go with Zach's plan so you texted Alex and he said you could come over. You then pulled out of the parking lot and drove to Alex's house which was about 10 minutes away. You arrived and walked to the front door. It felt really weird being here since you hadn't been here since your whole break up. You rang his door bell and his mom answered and you could tell she was surprised to see you.

"Oh well...hi Maddie" she said
"Hey Mrs Hill, I was supposed to come talk to Alex about some stuff" you said and she noticed you had been crying
"Oh yeah of course, come in....is everything okay?" She asked as you walked in
"Kinda, but it's fine" you said and then heard footsteps running down the stairs and Alex popped up.
"Hey Maddie, Hey Zach" Alex said once he got to y'all
"Hey" you and Zach said at the same time and Alex's mom went to the kitchen to finish what she was doing
"Well um we can go to the backyard and talk so it's more private" Alex said and you and Zach followed him out.

You all sat down in a chair and started trying to figure out what to do about eveything going on. You also told Alex about Jack being pissed at you and Alex said Sadie had seen the posts but he talked to her and she was fine.

"So should we both post something about it just so people know that we aren't dating and that we are both in happy relationships?" Alex asked
"Well the thing is, I can't let the fans know me and Jack are dating" you said
"Well if y'all just say Alex is in a relationship and y'all were just catching up and checking in on each other then it should be fine because none of the fans know who Alex actually is" Zach said
"Yeah true, right now they just think we're dating" Alex said
"Yeah, we can just both post something but I can't say anything about Jack and I" you said and they both agreed.

You both got on your phones and typed a paragraph about the whole situation and posted it on your Snapchat story, Instagram story, and twitter. After posting it, you knew Jack would see it and it would hopefully make things better. He still hadn't texted or called you so you were thinking he was probably cooling down. After talking everything through with  Alex and Zach, you felt a lot better. You and Zach said your goodbyes and you decided to still give Alex a hug because he helped you out a lot. You and Zach got in the car and drove home. You dreaded getting home because you knew you would have to explain everything to your parents. Once you got home and walked through the door, your mom immediately asked how it went. You told her the whole story about meeting Alex, seeing a fan, the picture, Jack being mad, you going to Alex's house, and what you had posted. Your mom wasn't really surprised about Jack being angry because she thought it would have been smart to say something but she decided to not say anything which made you a little bit mad but oh well. After you talked about everything, you went up to your room and texted Jack a long paragraph. It talked about how sorry you were and how you made a dumb mistake by not telling him but you promised you were just talking and so on. He just read it and didn't respond, but atleast he got your message and read it hopefully. You checked social media and a lot of people were reposting you and Alex's stories. You felt a lot better about everything going on except for the Jack part. You decided to not worry about it too much and just go to sleep. You changed into your more comfortable clothes and took off your makeup and fell straight to sleep.


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now