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Peter's POV

I broke it.

No matter how many times I repeated the words to myself I couldn't believe it.

I broke the picture of aunt May and uncle Ben on their wedding day. I still couldn't believe it.

I was just hanging the frame on the wall, and I turned around for three seconds to keep my phone from falling off the bed when I heard the frame fall from the wall.

I was too occupied with my stupid phone that I let the one picture I had of uncle Ben break.

There was no way to save that picture. It was ruined. I don't even know how it happened but somehow a piece of glass from the frame scraped the center of Ben's face. You couldn't even see his head anymore. It was just a big white dot where his face should be. I single handedly ruined the picture.

Aunt May loved the picture so much she didn't even hang it on any walls at the apartment. She said she loved it too much and she couldn't stand the thought of it getting scratched or tore and now within three days of having it, I ruined it.

I tried to brush the thought away and tried to focus on the tall building I was balancing on but no matter what my mind went back to the picture.

The streetlights in the city glowed in the night and reflected off of the windows of the tall building surrounding me. The roads below me were clear for the most part, only a few cars passed by every now and then. Other than that no one was on the streets.

After a few hours of hanging my feet off of the insanely tall building I started getting cold. It had been dark for a few hours now and I hadn't moved since I stormed out of the facility.

I wasn't even exactly sure where I was either. I wasn't thinking about where I was going after I left the facility. I was too busy thinking about how mad aunt May would have been if she knew I killed her favorite picture of uncle Ben. That and it was insanely hard to navigate with tears clouding your vision.

"Hey Karen?" I called out. My voice breaking a bit due to the amount of crying I had done all afternoon.

-Yes Peter? –

"What's the fastest route to Ned's house?" I asked as I stood up and begin following the route Karen had picked for mw to take. Luckily it wasn't too far.

-Peter? You do know that it's past midnight right? Ned will most likely be asleep when you get there. -She pointed out as I continued to sling my webs.

"It's fine. He'll be up when I get there." I assured her.

-How can you be so sure? -

"Because I'm going to wake him up when I get there." I say in a duh like tone before dismissing Karen. I didn't really feel like talking anymore.

A few minutes later I was outside of Ned's bedroom window that he kept unlocked for me no matter how many times I told him it wasn't safe. He didn't care.

Quickly and quietly I opened the window and stepped inside before taking off my mask and suit.

Karen was right about Ned; he was pretty much knocked out and was snoring louder than I have ever heard him snore.

I smiled to myself for a second before gently tapping his face to wake him up.

"Ned? Ned, come on, wake up dude."

"Peter?" He asked as he looked around the room in confusion. "I thought we weren't hanging out today."

"We weren't. Good thing it's tomorrow." I said as I turned on the light and made sure the door was closed. Ned rubbed his eyes and sat up in the bed.

"Whoa," he said as he looked at the state I was in. "What happened?" He scooted closer to the headboard so I could sit on the bed next to him.

I kept my head down as I told him how I was too worried about my phone rather than the one thing that mattered the most to aunt May. He put his hand on my back in a soothing manner as I broke down into another fit of cries.

My head rested on Ned's shoulder as Ned whispered nice things into my ear trying to calm me down. It worked after a while.

I sat there sniffling when I finally got myself under control; Ned's had never leaving my back, which I appreciated.

"So yea, that was really bad but oh the fuck well I guess. There's nothing I can do about it now." I say, trying to change the subject.

"It's okay to be sad about it Peter. That was the only thing of your uncle you had, it's natural to be sad that it's gone."

"I'm not sad. I'm pissed off. I was too busy trying to save my phone from falling that I couldn't turn around fast enough to save something that actually mattered. I felt it slip right through my fingers." I said as I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. Change the subject please."

"How are things going with MJ?" He asks out of nowhere. I looked down and wiped my nose.

"Well, she said her parents are moving her to a different school. One that doesn't have any boys, is way more strict than any school should be, and far far away from New York. She said her parents were convinced New York was the only place aliens came down from the sky."

"That sucks dude." I chuckled a bit at that.

"Yea, that sucks a lot." I agreed before going silent again.

"You know what I think?" I asked Ned.

"What do you think?"

"I think we are far over due for a Star Wars marathon." I saw while popping up from the bed and walking over to the TV in Ned's room and putting in the first movie to kick off our marathon before settling back on the bed with Ned.

"I agree." Ned said as he snuggled into the bed.

Not even twenty minutes later he was asleep again leaving me to watch Star Wars all by myself but I didn't care. I just liked being near Ned. We didn't have to talk or even be awake to make each other feel better. I loved that about us.

So with a smile on my face and with one of my favorite movies playing in the background, I went to sleep beside my best friend.

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