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"He doesn't actually think we can do all of this without dying, right?" Harley asked without taking his eyes off the writing on the mirror.

I internally groan as I skim the list of what was labeled 'pre workout'. There was noting pre about this workout. This as a whole could be just one big long workout.

5 miles inside, 100 push ups, 10 laps on the running track around the facility, 100 crunches, and 50 burpees.

I was going to die halfway though. Harley was probably going to kill over halfway though the 5 miles alone.

"You know how to do all of these right?"

"Yea I know how to do all them, my only concern is having to do all them." I smile slightly. He sounded like I was insane for acting like this was even somewhat do-able.

"Come on, yea it's going to suck but it can be done. The faster it's done the sooner we move on." I said as I made my way to the floor. Harley watched my every move as I got into a good push up position.

"What are you doing?" He asked when I stared pushing myself off the floor.

Harley's POV

"I believe this is called a push up." Peter said as he quickly lifted himself up and lowered himself back down to the ground. I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"I meant why are you doing those first?"

Peter smiled slightly as he continued to do his push ups. His biceps were pretty much popping out of inside out shirt.

"You really want to run 5 miles this early in the morning?"

"Point taken." I said as I got onto my hands and knees before starting my push ups as well.

I was about halfway done when I let myself fall to the ground and let out an audible groan. I heard Peter finish his last push up before scooting over to me.

"You're done already?" He asked, knowing damn well I wasn't anywhere near done.

"Does this body look like one who can do 100 push ups in a minute like you just did?" Peter laughed a little while nudging my side.

"Come on and finish or I'm moving on without you and it's no fun working out alone."

"It's no fun working out." I argued making Peter give a real laugh, not just a chuckle.

"Come on what number are you on?"

"57," I grumble out.

"I'll count for you, just worry about getting them done." He offers as I force myself back up.

"This... Fucking... Sucks." I say, every word a different push up.

"... 98, 99, 100." As soon as the last number came out of his mouth I let my arms give out and let my body fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Peter laughed when I let out a loud groan, keeping my red, sweating face on the cold ground.

"So, what do you want to do next? We could run a bit now since you arms are tired or do you want to do sit ups?"

"I'd much rather lay here and die."

"Sadly that's not an option." Peter said, his voice laced with a bit of laughter. I glare at him slightly as I roll myself onto my back and sit up.

"I think running would be the best. We should do it while it's still cool outside so we won't be sweating down as bad." I suggested when Peter offers me his hand to help pull me up. Peter only nods in response as he hauls me up.

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