Interview with hannasaurus12

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Username: hannasaurus12

Member Since: June 01, 2012

Stories on Wattpad: Five

1.       What inspired you to write your first book?

My first book that I posted on Wattpad was Survival. I think what inspired me to write it was watching The Walking Dead. I really like that show and I guess my story just blossomed from there.

2.       How did you come up with the title?

I thought that since the zombie apocalypse is all about surviving each day, Survival kind of sums up the whole concept.

3.       What are your current projects?

I'm glad you asked! I'm planning to start writing another 1D fan fiction, called The Princess and the Band. The boys witness a murder and have to go to a safe house in Oregon, where a princess is also being housed.

4.       Who designed the cover of one of your books?

You did! Stuck With Me :)

5.       What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Writer's Block. When you know you need to finish that chapter, that your readers are waiting, but you just can't. It sucks.

6.       Do you see writing as a career?

Um, I honestly don't think I'm good enough to make it as a writer. But writing is more of a hobby for me.

7.       Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write complete sentences- Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and any proper nouns, punctuation, and spelling! It always irks me when someone spells something wrong. And not just an accidental slip of the finger, when u typ lyke dis. It makes it harder to read and not worth the effort.

8.       Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers before we go?

Um, keep reading! :)

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