Interview with walkingsunshine

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Username: walkingsunshine

Member Since: May 15, 2011

Works on Wattpad: One

1.       What inspired you to write your first book? 

My first book? Hmmm….let me go back in my memory and see…Ah I remember!!  Two things actually both around the same time so I don’t remember which came first. :) One inspiration was Mrs G, fourth grade English class. It was Halloween, and we were given this assignment where we all had to come up with our own horror stories. It was then that I realized how much I love to write—horror especially. ^_^ My other inspiration was Thomas Kinkade. He’s this amazing painter and even at a young age, I was fascinated with his work. I used to look at his paintings and wonder what it would be like to live in them. So I’d write about it—my life on the farm in his picture, or on the cottage by the seaside, and so on.

2.       How did you come up with the title?

For my current story? Hmmm…good question. I looked for key words in my story, or words that had to do with my story that I thought readers would find interesting. ‘Explorer’, I thought, would be a word that would catch people’s attention, so I went with that. :)

3.       What are your current projects?

I’d have to say ‘The Explorer’s Apprentice’, mainly. I’m the type of person who can really only work on one story at a time. When I write a story, it’s all I ever think about and focus on. Ideas for that one story are coming at me constantly. I just can’t do that with two or more stories at once, though I really wish I could!! People who can work on several at a time are pure geniuses. O.O

4.       Who designed the cover of one of your books?

I did. :) I love anything to do with art.

5.       What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Hmmm….in my story, my character ‘Belle’ is the only character in my story that is not based off of a real person I know. I find it much easier to create a character when he or she is actually someone I know—because then that obviously makes them more realistic.  Belle is a complete figment of my imagination, and sometimes it gets hard to create her thoughts and feelings. I’ll ask myself—is this something an actual person would think?  I hope it is!

Do you see writing as a career?

Of course. :) I have several other dreams, too, but writing is definitely up there, if I can get good enough.

6.       Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write because you love it and because it makes you happy, and never let other people’s opinions get in the way of that. I know this may sound cliché, but really, just keep writing.

7.       Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers before we go?

Have any of you ever had a completely RANDOM idea for a plot that just keeps nagging at you? Like, no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get it out of your head? Write it down. Immediately.  Just drop everything you’re doing and get over to a pencil and paper or a computer. This new story could be your biggest hit. :)

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