Interview with DreamHeart

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Username: DreamHeart

Member Since: September 07, 2011

Works on Wattpad: One

1.       What inspired you to write your first book?

I always wrote, ever since I was little. However, I never planned, and therefore never really made it past the first couple of thousand words. When I was eleven, however, I made a fantasy world with my friend for fun. We filled notebook after notebook of sketches, descriptions, spells and characters, and when I decided to turn our little game into a book, it was already planned out for me.

2.       How did you come up with the title?

Well, the title of my first book took an awful lot of deliberation. The current book I am working on’s title was simple, obvious and perfect.

3.       What are your current projects?

I can only work on one novel at a time, but currently I am working on Rain, which is an action/adventure/sci-fi novel for young adults, set over thirty years in the future. It is fully planned and will easily hit the 80,000 words mark, possibly even 90.

4.       Who designed the cover of one of your books?

Me. I do cover designs for people as well.

5.       What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Keeping to my daily word count. I get easily distracted, and pumping out over 2,000 words a day is sometimes a little of a challenge.

6.       Do you see writing as a career?


7.       Do you have any advice for other writers?

Show and not tell. Oh yeah, and spelling and grammar when writing a novel are ACTUALLY important. I have pressed 'shuffle' enough times to know a bad book when I see one.

8.       Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers before we go?

Head over and read my book! And also, if you want a book cover or someone to critique or help you with your work - PM me. I'm happy to help!

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