Interview with CreativeLizzy93

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Username: CreativeLizzy93

Member Since: July 30, 2011

Works on Wattpad: Two

1.       What inspired you to write your first book?

We (me and my co-writer) wrote my book because we wanted to add a twist and start making stories more exciting.

2.       How did you come up with the title?

I chose the title Obsessed because I thought it basically went with the whole plot of the story. Also, I find it eye catching don’t you think?

3.       What are your current projects?

Obsessed and another story that my co-writer started: I'll kill all you bicthes (misspelled purposely).

4.       Who designed the cover of one of your books?

LizzyRay (my co-writer) designed the cover to both of our posted stories :)

5.       What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Trying to keep humour and our readers entertained was defiantly a challenge.

6.       Do you see writing as a career?

Yes, I'd someday like to write when I grow up. Hopefully be as good as Stephanie Meyer ;)

7.       Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don't give up. It may sound cheesy but I seriously mean every word. Because some day your luck will spark...and it'll be the greatest day of your life.

8.       Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers before we go?

Every story has its rough patches, and it's never easy to write a 5 star give some people a chance. It'll mean more to them than you think.

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