Perisher PART ONE

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"It was great meeting you." I say to Seb as we wait for luggage. We just spent 16 hours next to each other on a plane and it was surprisingly not awful.

"Yeah it was great meeting you too." Seb replies. "You're probably the coolest person I've ever sat next to on a plane."

"Maybe I'll see you on the slopes." I say to make conversation. We're both heading over to Perisher to snowboard, except Seb is a pro and I'm just meeting an old friend.

"I really hope so. I'd really like to see you again. Just in case...can I get your number? So maybe we can meet up later this week? If you want to...if you don't want to that's okay..." Seb asks as his cheeks begin to turn pink.

"Yeah for sure. I'd love to hangout." I reply as I hand Seb my phone. He enters his name as a contact.

"I'll call you." Seb tells me as he gives me a quick hug before grabbing his luggage and leaving.

"That boy was very cute. I hope he calls you." Some lady next to me says.

"Me too." I reply, because I really hope he does.

"Y/N!" My friend Ashley shouts as I walk out of the airport. She runs right into me and nearly tackles me to the ground.

"Hi, Ash!" I say excitedly. We throw my stuff in the trunk of her car and take off towards the resort.

"Oh my gosh I've missed you so much! How was your flight?" Ashley asks from the drivers seat.

"It was amazing actually. I met this realllllllly cool guy." I tell her.

"Is he cute?" She questions.

"Very." I reply. "And he asked for my number. I'm sure he'll forget about me though. He's pro snowboarder. I bet every girl will be all over him this week."

"I doubt he'll forget about you, but I have good news in case he does! WE'RE GOING TO A PARTY TONIGHT!" Ashley yells out of excitement.

"A party?" I ask. I'm exhausted from traveling all day. The last thing I feel like doing is going to a party.

"YES A PARTY! I got invited to this super exclusive party with a bunch of pros and other cool people. There's going to be lots and lots of cute boys." Ashley continues.

"Maybe Seb will be there!" I think out loud.

"Yeah maybe! We'll go back to our hotel room and get ready. We have to leave for the party in like two hours." Ashley tells me. I feel tired just thinking about going out, but the thought of seeing Seb again makes it worth it.

"You look amazing." Ashley tells me right before we walk into the party.

"I look tired." I retort, because I know I look far from amazing. I put very little effort into my appearance. I don't have the energy to even try.

We take one step into the party and it's insane. There are people everywhere and the is music ridiculously loud. There's no way I'll find Seb if he's here. I turn around to say something to Ashley, but she's already gone. Great.

"You look lost." A guy says to me. He's tall with freckles and with a hat turned backwards.

"Yeah kinda." I admit to him. He gives me a sympathetic smile.

"These parties can be kinda overwhelming. I'm Scotty." The tall boy says. He seems nice.

"I'm y/n." I reply.

"How about we get you a drink and then we maybe we hangout outside to get away from all this chaos?" Scotty offers. I feel instantly relieved. The last thing I want to do is stay inside this obnoxious party. All I want to do is sleep, but since I can't, relaxing outside is my best option.

"That sounds perfect." I say to Scotty. He holds out his hand for me to hold. I hold tightly onto it as he guides me through the crowd. We eventually make it to the bar and get our drinks. Scotty then has me follow him to the back deck. There's almost nobody out there and it over looks the mountain.

"This is beautiful." I say.

"Yeah I thought you'd like it out here." Scotty says as we both sit down on a bench.

"Why are you being so nice to me? Why aren't you inside partying with everyone else?" I ask Scotty.

"I'm not really in the mood to party tonight. I could tell that you weren't in the mood either, so I thought that we should hangout." Scotty explains.

"Well I'm very grateful. I don't know how I would have survived in there without you. It's insane. I just flew in today and I was not prepared for all this." I tell Scotty.

"What brought you to Perisher?" Scotty asks me.

"I'm visiting my friend. She's here somewhere. Plus, ya know, I wanted to snowboard. What about you?" I ask him.

"You snowboard?!" Scotty asks excitedly. A toothy grin fills his adorable face. "I do too! We should ride together sometime this weeks."

"Yeah definitely!" I reply. I'm liking Perisher already. I've met two cute guys in less than 24 hours. That's pretty amazing.

"Is it too soon for me to ask for you number?" Scotty asks with a nervous look on his face.

"No not all." I tell him.

"Good. I have some training this week, but I'd definitely like to spend some more time with you." Scotty says to me. I feel myself start to blush.

"SCOTTY JAMES!" A familiar voice yells as they step onto the deck. Scotty and I both turn to see Seb walking towards us with a few friends. "Y/n?"

"Seb?" I ask in shock. I had hoped I'd see him here, but I didn't expect to.

"What are you doing here?" Seb asks me. He looks just as surprised as I am.

"You two know each other?" Scotty asks the both of us.

"Yeah. We sat next to each other on the plane." Seb answers Scotty as he stares at me.

"How do you two know each other?" I ask Seb and Scotty.

"We're both snowboarders. We've known each for a long time. We're buds." Seb says as he sort of glares at Scotty. Scotty takes a step closer to me.

"Can I talk to you for a quick second, y/n?" Seb asks me in almost a whisper, except everybody can hear him. I look to Scotty. He looks disappointed.

"Yeah. Sure." I reply as Seb and I move away from the group. "What's up?"

"Come hangout with me." Seb says.

"I told you we can hangout later this week." I answer.

"No come hangout with me right now. Come on. Let's blow off this lame party." Seb pleads.

"I'm hanging out with Scotty right now. It would be rude for me to just bail on him." I try explaining to Seb.

"Oh come on. That guy is boring. You probably just met him a half hour ago. Come on. Please?" Seb continues. I think Seb might be jealous of me spending time with Scotty.

"Everything cool over there?" Scotty asks us from a few feet away. Honestly, I'm not sure what to do.

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