Marcus Kleveland: Sleepover

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"SHE'S HERE!" I hear Marcus yell from inside the house. I laugh to myself as I stand out on his doorstep and ring the doorbell. The door flies open not a second later and Marcus is there looking at me with biggest smile on his face. He throws his arms around me and pulls me into tightest hug I've ever experienced. I drop the bag from hand as I hug him back.

"Holy shit. I've missed you." Marcus says to me before going in for a kiss. I haven't kissed him in so long but it's like no time has passed. Marcus has been gone a lot lately because of snowboarding, but his parents are letting me stay with them for the weekend. We have to stay in separate bedrooms of course, but at least I get to see my boyfriend.

"Woah, okay. Mom's in the room, guys. Please stop making out." Mrs. Kleveland says. I pull myself away from Marcus immediately even though he tries holding onto me. I had no idea his mom was in the room and I'm horrified. I wipe my mouth as if that will erase whole awkward make out situation.

"Hi, Mrs. Kleveland!" I say as sweetly as possible. I give her a quick hug as Marcus picks up my bags from the doorway. "Thank you for letting me stay with you this weekend."

"We're happy to have you, y/n!" She adds as I move back next to Marcus. I feel him slide his hand into my back jean pocket as he mother talks to me. My cheeks go red instantly. Is he really grabbing my butt with his mother in the room?! "We have the guest bedroom all set up for you. "

"Thank you so much." I tell Mrs. Kleveland as I try to sneakily get Marcus' hand off my butt. I'm usually all about him touching my butt, but not when his mother is here.

"No problem. Ok I'll let you two catch up." She says before leaving the room.

"You're so beautiful." Marcus tells me as he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me into him.

"You can't touch my butt when your mother is in the room! That's so embarrassing." I tell him in a loud whisper. He just laughs.

"I'm sowrry." Marcus replies with an adorable fake pouty face. He's too cute to be mad at.

"I forgive you." I say with a small laugh. He leans in and kisses my forehead. "What are we going to do for the rest of the day?"

"We can do whatever you want. I'm just happy you're here." Marcus tells me.

We spend the whole day together. We didn't do anything special but in some way it was still perfect. Now it's late and we're forced to go to our separate bedrooms.

"I don't wanna go to sleep." Marcus says in a sad voice. He holds my hands as we stand outside my bedroom door. "Maybe I can sneak into your room later!"

"No. Marcus, you can't. Your mom said we have to stay in different rooms and I want her to trust us. If she trusts us then we will get to spend more time together." I remind him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Ugghhhh." Marcus groans. "But I don't wanna to be away from you for even a minute."

"I don't want to be away from you either." I say in a sweet voice as I stand on my tippy toes to kiss him goodnight, then turn to enter my room. "Goodnight."

"Just one more." Marcus says as he holds onto my hand and pulls me back in for one last kiss. "Goodnight, y/n."

"Goodnight, Marcus." I say as I force myself away from him. I want to stay and keep kissing him, but I know I can't.

30 minutes later I'm lying in bed when the door creeks open. I laugh to myself because I know exactly who's there.

"You awake?" Marcus asks quietly. The room is pitch black and I hear Marcus trip over something as he walks towards my bed. "Oops."

"What are you doing here, babe? Your mom is going to catch us."

"I just wanted to come lie with you for a little while." Marcus tells me as he climbs into my bed. "I'll only be here for 10 minutes I swear."

"We're going to get in trouble." I say as I snuggle up against him and rest my head on his chest. He begins to trace his fingers up and down my back.

"We won't get in trouble. I promise. I'll only be here for 10 minutes." Marcus repeats in a sleepy voice. This time I don't protest. I just hold tightly onto him.

"Oh shit." I think out loud as I open my eyes and realize the room is filled with light. It's morning and I still have my arms around a sleeping Marcus. "Babe, wake up!"

"What? What's wrong?" Marcus asks in a groggy tone. He rubs his eyes open and notices the same thing I did. "Oh my god! We fell asleep!"

"You gotta get outta here!" I tell him. I don't have to tell him twice. Marcus shoots out of bed and creeps to the door. He winces as he slowly opens the door, attempting to make as little noise as possible.

"Good morning, Marcus." I hear his mother say from the other side of the door. I brace myself for the yelling and bury myself in my blankets.

"Good morning, mom." Marcus says as nonchalantly as possible, but I can tell he's freaking out.

"We had one rule, Marcus." His mother says sternly. I cringe at the words. We're in so much trouble.

"I know! It's my fault. Y/n tried to get me to leave but I wouldn't listen. All we did was sleep. I promise. It won't happen again. Please let y/n stay, mom!" Marcus rambles. There's a long pause after that.

"She can stay." Mrs. Kleveland says slowly. "But you're in a lot of trouble, Marcus."

"Thank you, mom!" He replies too excitedly, but he checks himself. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"We'll talk about this later." Mrs. Kleveland says before walking away. I sigh a breath of relief. Marcus peaks in the door and gives me a thumbs up as if to tell me everything will be alright.

"Get out of my room!" I say jokingly as I throw a pillow at him. This time he does as I say.

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