Craig McMorris: VIP Passes

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"You're gonna love me." My best friend says as he walks into our hotel room.

"More than I already do?" I ask. Jake has been my best friend since we were kids. Of course I love him.

"I got us passes to the after party." Jake tells me. He's holding up two cards in his hand. My jaw actually drops. We came all this way to see the Burton US Open. I thought all we would do is watch the snowboarding competition, but it looks like Jake went beyond that.

"And get this...they're VIP passes. Do you know what this means?" Jake asks as he tries to contain his excitement.

"Not exactly..." I say.

"This means not only do we get to go to the after party, but we also get to hang out with all the pros." Jake tells me. Now I start to freak out.

"YOU'RE KIDDING NO WAY," I shout. I grab the VIP passes from Jake's hand and read them to make sure they're legit. They look real to me. "How did you get these?"

"I was flirting pretty heavy with the girl that works at the Oakley store. I got her number and these passes." Jake explains to me. I laugh. This is typical Jake. He's too good looking for his is own good, but it does have its perks.

"Are you going to hit on any of the girl pros?" I ask even though I'm sure I already know the answer.

"I'm gonna play it cool and see what happens. What about you? What's that one you think is hot?" Jake asks me.

"Seb, and no. I'm not as bold as you. Partying with them is enough for me." I tell Jake. I may think some of the pro snowboarders are attractive, but I'd never try anything. They're way out of my league and I know that. I'd be happy with just talking to some of them.


"I think I'm under dressed." I whisper into Jake's ear as we walk into the VIP room. All the girls here are in short skirts or tight dress. I've got on my skinny jeans and a cute top.

"Oh who cares? You're already pretty than every girl in here." Jake replies. Even though I know he only says this to be nice, it does make me feel a little better. "To the bar, my friend."

"Oh my god there's Stale Sandbech." I say to Jake as we make our way to the bar.

"Be cool." Jake shoots back at me quickly. I try my best to 'be cool', but this is really exciting for me. While Jake orders us drinks, I scan the room looking for other pros.

"Max Parrot is cuter in person." I tell Jake after I spot Max in the corner of the room.

"That's not playing it cool, y/n." Jake says with a smile. "I see that girl from the Oakley store. I'm gonna go say hi. Will you be ok here for a few minutes?"

"Yeah. Tell her I say thanks for the passes." I say to Jake. Before I know it, I'm left alone at the bar.

"You look totally bored." A guy next to me says.

"No, no it's a great party. I just don't really know anybody." I tell the guy.

"I could introduce you to some people if you'd like." The guy says to me.

"But you haven't even introduced yourself yet." I reply with a smirk.

"How rude of me. I'm Craig." The guy tells me. He's actually really handsome. He looks like a snowboarder. I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing he's a pro.

"I'm y/n. How do you know so many people here?" I ask Craig.

"Well, I work with a lot these guys," Craig begins to explain. "And my little brother won the competition today."

"You're a Mcmorris?" I ask trying not to sound too surprised. "I snowboard?"

"I do. Did you sneak into the party?" Craig asks with a laugh. I nudge him gently with my elbow.

"No. My friend flirted his way into getting us passes." I tell Craig.

"Your boyfriend?" Craig asks. The smile on his face has gotten a little smaller.

"Nope. Just long time friend. He's off hitting on some girl right now." I explain to Craig. His smile grows.

"I have to admit that I'm happy he's off with some chick, because now I get to hang out with you." Craig says. It's decently dark in the party, but I can see his cheeks turning red.

Jake never comes back to the bar, but I don't mind. Craig and I sit at the bar for a while just talking. I almost completely forget about all the pros partying around us. Craig is a really cool guy.

"I'm so glad you came to this party tonight." Craig says as he sips his beer.

"Me too." I reply. Craig sets down his drink and looks at me. He looks from my eyes to my lips several times before leaning over and kissing me. I put my hands on his face and kiss him back.

"Just so you know, I never make out with strangers. I'm more of a 'take it slow and get to know each other' kind of guy. I guess you're just...different. In a good way, obviously." Craig says quietly once our lips part. I smile at him.

"I believe you." I tell him and I really do. I rarely do this kind of thing either. I barely know Craig, but I already like him. Craig waits a moment and then kisses me again.

"Yeah get it, Craiger Bear. Woooo," Someone says to Craig. I separate from Craig and see it's Mark Mcmorris.

"Ok Mark, go away now." Craig says while laughing. I start to blush and I think Craig notices. Mark gives Craig a thumbs up and walks away. "Sorry about that. That's my brother."

"It's alright." I say with a smile.

"Do you wanna go get pancakes? I know this place that's open all night." Craig asks randomly.

"You know what? I'd love to go get pancakes." I tell Craig. It's the truth. I'm starved and I'd like to hangout more with Craig.

"We can consider it our first date." Craig says to me. I text Jake telling him I'm leaving. Craig then takes my hand and we leave the party.

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