Shaun White: John Doe

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John Doe, I just want the John I know
Once you put the drinks on hold
Maybe you could come back home

- John Doe by B.O.B

This isn't the boy I know. The boy I know has long crazy red hair and the goofiest smile. The boy I know is the sweetest thing on the earth, who with every move made me fall in love. Now he's just the shell of someone I used to want to spend everyday with.

"hey y/n, where's Shaun?" Someone asks at the gala. I wanted to say that I didn't know, because that's the truth, but I know better.

"I think he just went to the restroom." I say, acting like Shaun's absence is no big deal. It is a big deal though. I'm standing in the corner of this fancy charity event, in some dress that costs more than my house, and my boyfriend is no where to be found.

"Oh there he is." Someone says, pointing towards the bar. I look and see Shaun standing there with a drink in his hand, laughing with a group of people. I remember when he used to hate these formal events. I remember when he used to beg me to leave so we could go change into sweatpants and eat McDonalds.

Normally I would go over to Shaun, but I can see that my presence isn't missed over there. I don't fit in with his new world and I think he knows that. Before all the fame, back when he was just some snowboarding kid, that's when I fit into his world.

I decide to leave the gala. There's no reason to stay. Shaun won't even notice I'm gone until he's ready to leave.


I wake up to three texts from Shaun.

"Where did you go?"

"I won't be back tonight."

"Love you"

He didn't even bother to call. Though I'm not surprised by his lack of effort, I'm still disappointed. This is it for me. This is the end of us.

I'm in the middle of packing my bag when Shaun stumbles into the hotel room. I don't bother to look up from my suitcase.

"I need a shower." Is the first thing Shaun says. He's still wearing his tux from last night. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving Shaun." I respond coldly.

"But our flight isn't until Tuesday." Shaun says, clearly oblivious to the situation.

"I'm leaving you, Shaun." I say. I never usually call him Shaun. Since we've met, I've always called him by nicknames. I only call him Shaun in serious moments and Shaun knows this.

"Where is this coming from?" Shaun asks. He doesn't seem upset, just genuinely surprised.

"You know exactly where this is coming from..." I tell him. I want to say more. I want to yell. I want to tell him I love him. I want to him about how much he's changed and how much he's hurt me, but what is the point?

I take my suitcase and leave without another word. Shaun doesn't stop me.


"Hi." Shaun says, sitting down at my table at the coffee shop. He had asked to meet up. We broke up two months ago and had barely spoken since then.

"Hey." I reply. I awkward fidget with my coffee cup. I have no idea what to say.

"How have you been?"

"I've been doing well. You?" I ask. I can't believe I'm making small talk with Shaun. After being friends for ten years and dating for three. Ridiculous.

"I've been pretty shitty honestly." Shaun admits. He makes one of his typical Shaun faces and I can't help but laugh. It reminds me of the old him. "Are you laughing at my misery?"

"No. No not at all. You just made...the face. It was funny. I'm sorry. Continue." I say, still giggling at him. Even a smile creeps across Shaun's face.

"Basically I fucking miss you. It took me ridiculously long to realize what happened between us. I turned into a total dick." Shaun explains.

"Yeah you did." I say, because honesty is the best policy. Mostly I just wanted to make him understand just how mean he had been.

"I've been trying to get back to my old self. The self where everyone I loved didn't hate me. I've come to realize that the old me needed you," Shaun begins to say. "I know we can't start over, but I want you in my life. Somehow."

"Ok. We can try being friends." I suggest to Shaun. It's hard for me not having Shaun in my life.

"Wow. That was was weirder than expected." Shaun mumbles.

"What was?"

"Us being friends. I feel like I'm twenty again, trying to get you to go on a date with me. We haven't been just friends in a long time." Shaun admits. He looks slightly hurt.

"We should start out being friends and see where it goes from there. It worked for you last time." I say with a smile.

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