Danny Davis: Meet the Parents

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"Why are you being so quiet?" Danny asks me from the drivers seat.

"I'm not." I lie. I've been almost completely silent for an hour. I was hoping Danny was too focused on driving to notice.

"Are you nervous?" Danny says with a goofy smile on his face.

"Yeah I'm nervous. Danny, this is a big deal." I tell him. He thinks this is funny, but I'm stressing.

"I thought you weren't afraid of anything." Danny says, still smiling.

"No. You're the one who's not afraid of anything. I'm afraid of a lot of things. One of those things includes meeting your parents." I admit. I'm meeting Danny's parents for the first time. We've been dating five months now and I've been treading this moment. I really like him and I want his family to really like me.

"Aw, babe. You have nothing to worry about." Danny says to me. He puts his hand on my thigh to comfort me. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I say.

"They're going to love you, too. I promise." Danny tells me as he moves his hand from my thigh to my hand. I squeeze his hand tightly and hope he's right.


"It's so nice to meet you, y/n." Mrs. Davis says as she hugs me. Her hug reminds me of Danny's, warm and loving. "Danny, honey, will take the bags to your room?"

"Yeah, mom." Danny says as he disappears up the stairs.

"Here, here. Come sit. I can't believe we're finally meeting. Danny has told us so much about you." Danny's mother says as we sit down at the kitchen table.

"I've only said good things." Danny says with a laugh as walks into the kitchen. He heads straight for the refrigerator. Typical Danny.

"Honestly I don't know how you put up with him, y/n. He's got that stupid beard covering his handsome face. It's ridiculous." Mrs. Davis says.

"Hey now. She likes it, don't you?" Danny asks me as he turns from the refrigerator to us.

"Yeah. I like it." I reply with a smile. To me, with or without the beard, Danny is the most beautiful person I know.

A few minutes later I excuse myself to use the restroom. I'm about the reenter the room when I overhear someone saying my name from the kitchen.

"She's a really sweet girl, Danny." I hear Mrs. Davis say. I don't want to eavesdrop, but I can't help wanting to hear more, so I stand behind the kitchen door and listen.

"Yeah she really is." Danny replies. I can't see his face, but I can he's smiling.

"You're yourself around her. I like that." Mrs. Davis tells Danny. "I could see this being a long term thing."

"I'm going to propose to her." Danny blurts out. I cover my mouth with my hand so Danny and Mrs. Davis can't hear my gasp. This is something I shouldn't have overheard.

"Danny, honey, it's only been five months. Don't you think it's a bit soon for a proposal?" Mrs. Davis questions. I know I should walk away at this point, but now I'm desperate to hear Danny's answer.

"Yeah it's soon, but I've known since I first met her. I can't explain it. She's the one. Honestly, I'm surprised I've waited this long to ask her." Danny explains to his mother. I'm completely shocked. I had no idea he felt this way. I decide to stop snooping and go into the kitchen to join them.

"We were just talking about you." Danny says with the biggest smile as he sits down at the table next to his mother. I take a seat next to him at the table and attempt to act as if I didn't just hear every word he said.

"Good things?" I ask, although I already know the answer.

"Always." Danny says as he leans over to kiss my cheek.


I spend the next few days acting like a total mess. I feel like Danny could propose at any moment and it's putting me on edge. He never does ask though, we just spend three days with his parents with no sign of a proposal. Now we're packing up to head back home.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Danny asks me as he throws my suitcase into the backseat of the car.

"No it wasn't. I had a great time." I reply.

"Want to take one more walk down by the lake?" Danny asks. His parents live on this gorgeous little lake and every morning we would walk along it.

"I'd love to." I say. Danny puts his arm around my shoulder and I wrap my arm around his waist as we head towards the lake. Once at the lake, I take off my shoes and put my toes in the water. "Come over here."

"I'm coming." Danny says as he rummages in his pocket for something. "I have to ask you something."

"What?" I ask with a smile. I think I have a very good idea what he's going to ask and I'm trying to contain my excitement. I've only spent the last few days thinking about this moment nonstop.

"I love you, y/n. I've known the moment you first said hello to me." Danny tells me as he pulls a small box from his pocket. I look from the box to his eyes. He's looking right at me. "You told me I'm not afraid of anything, but that's not true. I'm afraid of not having you in my life. I'm afraid of not being with you. I know it's only been five months, but I've never been more sure of anything. Will you marry me, y/n?"

"Yes. Of course, yes." I respond almost too quickly. I kiss Danny before he has a chance to put the ring on my finger.

"Can I put this on you?" Danny asks with a laugh as he holds up the ring box. I blush slightly.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." I reply as Danny takes the ring from the box and slips it onto my finger. "Can I kiss you again now?"

"Of course." Danny says as he pulls me back into the kiss.

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