Scotty James: Crash

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"Wanna race?" Mark asks me at the top of the slope. I shake my head.

"No. I'm not racing you." I say sternly, but Mark's smile grows.

"Oh come on." Mark replies as he shoots off down the slope. I roll my eyes.

"WE'RE NOT ALL PRO SNOWBOARDERS, MARK" I shout at him, but he's already gone. He always wants to race, but it's not a fair match. Compared to most people I'm a decent snowboarder, but compared to my best friend and pro snowboarder Mark Mcmorris, I'm a below average snowboarder.

I take off down the slope in hopes of catching up to Mark, which I know is impossible. I'm about half way down the hill when someone crashes into me. It feels like what I imagine getting hit by a car to feel like. I slam into the ground instantly.

"Oh my god I am soooooo sorry." Someone says from above me. I open my eyes to see a freckled boy leaning over me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." I mumble out. Honestly, I have no idea if I'm alright. The boy holds out his hand to help me off the ground.

"I'm really sorry. You were coming so fast and I didn't see ya there. Are you sure you're ok?" The boy asks. He's really tall.

"I'm fine. I swear." I say to the panicked boy. He smiles. It's one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen.

"I can take you to first aid if ya want. I hit you pretty hard." The boy says in his cute Australian accent. He's really good looking and it's actually making me forget about my crash.

"It was just a little crash, no big deal. Don't worry about it." I say as I adjust my hat and goggles.

"I'm Scotty James, by the way." The boy tells me with that smile still on his face. God he's so attractive.

"I'm y/n." I reply shyly.

"Oh you're Mark Mcmorris' friend, right? I've heard of you." Scotty says as we stand in the middle of the slope. I've completely forgotten about my little race with Mark.

"You've heard of me?" I ask with a smirk. I hope he's heard good things about me.

"All the guys talk about Mark's super hot friend y/n." Scotty says as his cheeks turn pink. "They also say you're really nice and funny."

"How nice of them. Speaking of Mark, he's probably wondering where I've gone. I'll see you later, yeah?" I say as I realize Mark is probably at the bottom of the slope freaking out because I haven't shown up. I don't want to stop talking to Scotty, but I know have to.

"Yeah forsure. It was great meeting you. Sorry for almost killing you." Scotty says. I laugh as I take off. He waves at me as I go. He's so cute.


"I'm heading to the hot tub. My side is killing me." I say as I grab a towel and sweatshirt. I'm staying at this ridiculously nice ski resort with Mark and his snowboarding buddies. Right now they're all drinking and hanging out, but I'm slightly injured and not in the party mood.

"Alright. I'll meet you at the hot tub later." Mark says. I make my way down the stairs and to the hot tub.

"Hey I know you." I say as I get into the hot tub. Scotty James is the only other person in the hot tub. This actually makes me really happy. I've spent my entire day hoping I'd run into him again, this time without the falling to the ground.

"Oh hey." Scotty says as his beautiful smile appears. "Sorry about earlier."

"Stop apologizing. I told I'm fine. I'm a tough girl." I tell Scotty, but he has a look of horror on his face once he sees my side.

"Did I do that?" Scotty asks me with his eyes glued on my right side. A giant black and blue bruise covers my right side. It's obviously from Scotty bashing into me.

"I think it looks cool." I tell him, which is the truth. Sure the bruise hurts like hell, but I think it makes me look like a badass.

"I can't believe I did that to you." Scotty says as he still looks horrified.

"It's fine." I tell him again. I splash him gently to change the mood. His smile returns and he splashes me back.

"I'm gonna get you." Scotty says as he moves closer to splash me. I laugh as he wraps his arm around my waist to pull me to him. He starts tickling my sides and I can't control my laughter.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" I repeat in between my laughs. Scotty stops tickling me, but doesn't let go of me. Our faces are so close and his hands still rest on my waist. He looks like he's about to say something, but he doesn't. We just sort of stare at each other for a moment before he kisses me. He pulls me closer to him so that there's no space between us. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

"Umm hey." I hear a familiar voice say while I'm in the middle of making out with Scotty. I separate my lips from Scotty's and see Mark standing at the top of the hot tub stairs. I slowly distance myself from Scotty.

"Hey, Mark." Scotty finally says. His cheeks are red, but his smile is as big as ever.

"I see you've met my y/n, Scotty." Mark says calmly as he climbs into the hot tub. I try not to laugh at the awkward situation. Some of Mark's other friends get in the hot tub and Scotty moves closer to me again.

"Is Mark going to beat me up?" Scotty whispers in my ear while the other guys talk. I actually laugh out loud at this.

"I think you're ok." I reply quietly with a smile. My hand is underwater, but somehow Scotty manages to find it. He holds my hand under the water and Mark has no idea. This is the best trip ever.

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