Chapter 18 | You're My Kryptonite | **FINAL CHAPTER**

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Fiona's POV

I was woken up by the sound of the most adorable accent ever; an Irish one. It was Niall nudging me trying the wake me up. "Fiona! Fiona! Wake up!" I stuttered a bit as I woke up all worried; I thought there was something wrong, "What babe?" I asked him, "Look! We're here." I looked out the window to reveal the most beautiful scenery ever made.

The beautiful green grass, blue sky, and the way the sun shined on the lakes, I would hope to call this place my home soon.

"Attention all passengers! We will be landing in five minutes, so can you please stay seated and buckle your seat belts. Thanks."

I stood up for a nano second to see Harry and Leah laughing and joking, they were adorable together. Louis and Liam, and Zayn still fast asleep in his chair. "Are you excited?" Niall asked me. I simply responded by nodding my head in agreement. "Are you excited to meet my family?" Oh God I was get nauseous just at the thought of it. I was really nervous because I'm afraid I might say something to get them to dislike me, or do something that would make me regret it or embarrass myself. Niall must have noticed the way my actions were expressed because he let me on a few words, "it's okay babe, they will love you." I was a little relieved but that still didn't keep me from losing all my nervousness.

We were making small talk when we felt the plane begin to land, Niall reached for my hand, and our fingers intertwined. Louis had his arms sky high while screaming. It was priceless.

We finally landed and we all grabbed all of our bags and walked through the tunnel until we were officially off the plane.

We stepped into the lobby and the boys all dropped their bags and ran full speeds into their parents arms, they looked so immature, but it was adorable.

Leah's POV

Harry and I were holding hands while the whole landing, take off, and while we were boarding, but as soon as he saw his sister, mom, and dad, he let go and jumped into their arms, it was so sweet. "Mum, look who is here. Leah." Harry said a he motioned for me to join them. I hugged them and they made me feel welcome. "Leah, your so beautiful and you look so grown up." Anne informed me. "So are you guys a couple? I noticed that you two were holding hands on your way off." I choked a bit on my spit as well as Harry. " Actually he is dating my friend, Skylar. Her mom didn't want here to travel across the world with some boy she never met, so as far as we know, it's a log distance relationship." I informed her. "Well actually, I dumped her, yesterday when you and Fiona left for Fiona's house. I just thought that it would be too much for us, we live in two different countries, and the time difference its just way to much." I comforted him and apologized because I honestly had no clue. "No it's fine, she got upset if I complemented you or Fiona anyway, and it's pretty hard not to complement you two," I felt me face turn all red, like I was blushing, and Gemma was the first to notice because she coughed a bit and rubbed her cheeks signaling me that I had been blushing. I started fake coughing and walked off the grab my bags.

"Well shall we start walking towards the car?" Liam's mom asked. We all agreed, and continued to walk towards the exit of the airport.

Gemma and I were the last ones out the door, but that fine because we were having a little conversation. "I don't understand why you two broke up, I mean you too are adorable together. Plus you both would be pretty damn lucky to have each other, you both are pretty amazing." "Well the first reason was because you guys moved so we would never see each other, and if we kept a long distance relationship I would feel like I have to stay up all night to wait for that special text message, and what if I didn't get it. We both agreed that it's best that we are friends." " You still have feelings for him though, I can tell, you don't normally blush around a guy." I smiled to her and gave her that "I know" look.

Harry's POV

I was walking with my mum, dad, Fiona, and the boys. Gemma and Leah were having those gossip-girlish talks and I had no interest in what they were saying.

We reached the point to where we at my mum and dads car, I grabbed Leah's bags and I opened the door, and let Leah take a seat. I then cut my sister off and say down next to Leah. Gemma have me such a dirty look, it wasn't even funny. The boys each drive with there own parents and they were all getting dropped off at my place, and we all were going to have a night at home.

As we drove down the streets of London, all my memories washed through my brain, I was home, and with the most amazing girl ever.

We had about fifteen minutes of driving that included my parents asking all these questions about Leah's family and everyone back in the US.

After fifteen minutes of non stop talking, we finally arrived home. I escorted Leah out of the vehicle and into showed her the house we had moved into after we left the US. I gabbed her hand and walked through out the house. She thought the house was amazing. "Hey! Wanna see my favorite spot, the place I would go to when I was feeling lonely or upset?" "Sure Hazz." I grabbed her hand and ran out the back sliding door. We stepped onto the back porch and looked up, "a treehouse?" Leah asked sounding confused. I nodded and pulled her towards the house. I motioned for her to climb the tree, I let go of her hand and let her climb in, I followed. I made my way up the tree until I met her at the top. "Wow, this is amazing." "I know, you know that when we broke up, this is where I came to recover, it was a hard time for me." "Really? Did you really miss me that much?" I looked at her, I grabbed both of her hands, "I was devastated." She looked a little confused, but she looked adorable by the way she blushed around me. I was going to make one last move, I pulled her closer, looked into her eyes and said "You're my Kryptonite."


(A/N) That's it babes! This was my very first fanfiction, and I am so happy at all the reads I've recieved. I only hoped for 500 reads, but I earned much more. Thanks babes. COMMENT and VOTE.  EXPECT A EPILOGUE SOON!! ~Elizzzzaaaabbbeettthh

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