Chapter 8 | Reunited is the Best Feeling |

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Chapter 8

Harry's POV

I pulled up into Leah's driveway in my suit and bow tie, all the guys thought I was adorable. I saw the light on her front porch turn on, I stepped out of my car and Skylar stepped out of the house. She looked amazing, I couldn't remember the last time I felt this way about a girl.

Leah's POV

I saw Harry pull up to my driveway and immediately turned on the front porch lights, Harry texted me letting me know he has arrived. I opened the door and let Skylar out, Harry walked up towards Skylar, took her by the wrist, and escorted her to the car. I felt this weird feeling tiggling inside of me, as soon as they left, I was a little confused at what it could of mean't. I totally ignored the weird feeling and moved on.

Skylar's POV

We arrived at Maggianos after about fifteen minutes of driving, there were no paparazzi, no big crowds, nor were there crazed fans. Harry grabbed my hand and guided me through the restaurant, I felt a bit awkward since everybody started starring at Harry and I, I had a strange feeling in my stomach..something was going to happen to our date tonight...and not something I would call "fun."

Leah's POV

I was thinking about some stuff, I had realized that I haven't seen Fiona in a few weeks, since school has let out I haven't talked to any of my friends. I grabbed my phone and used the last of my battery to call and invite Fiona over, I guess the boys might be pretty bored also, considering they are missing a band-mate, so I let my conscience take over and invite them over too. After I called the boys, my phone died.

Fiona's POV

I was just sitting at home bored out I my mind, straightening my blonde, curly, fascinating hair, when I got a call from Leah, inviting me to come over. I finished my hair, threw on a little bit of makeup, put on my favorite shirt, that Skylar brought back from London a few years back, added some quick accessories, put on my shoes, picked up my brand new iPhone 4s, and drove off to Leah's house.

Harry's POV

I was guiding Skylar through the restaurant when I felt like I was being followed, I turned around and noticed that nothing was behind us, but I still had a weird feeling something or someone was watching us.

I decided to forget about it, or at least try to, we made it to our table, after an awkward walk. I pulled out the chair for Skylar and let her sit down, she blushed and giggled while covering up her mouth a bit. After we got situated we ordered our food, and began talking... 

Fiona's POV

I pulled up into Leah's driveway, and picked up my phone and purse, got out of the car, shut the door, locked my car, and rang the doorbell. Leah opened the door and we both screamed, and hugged. "Fionnnnnaaa!" Leah screamed, "Leaaaahhhh!" Fiona yelled, "I haven't seen you in forever" Leah went on and on about, I just responded by a simple yes followed by a nod. "Can I come in?" I asked, Leah tripped a bit and nodded still in excitement, I walked in and immediately, and the memories hit...

Louis's POV

We were pulling up into Leah's driveway when we noticed another car, I was still pouting in the backseat because nobody let me drive, we all piled out of the car and raced to the front door and rang the doorbell. Leah opened the door and I ran at full speed and jumped onto the sofa with all the boys following, Leah just stood there giggling.

Skylar's POV

This date couldn't have gotten any better, we were talking about everything, from our families, to our childhood, we talked about everything, everything was going great. I couldn't help but notice Harry seemed to talk about Leah a lot. "So you and Leah are pretty close huh?"

He smiled a bit, and looked down to hide those famous dimples, then out of nowhere the feelings I've had, came alive, some girl ran out of nowhere and locked lips with Harry...

(A/N) I'm sorry for the short POVs I was just trying to introduce some more characters, the links to the outfits will be posted in a few... I hope you enjoyed! Feedback is appreciated, don't forget, FAN and VOTE!

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