Chapter 9 | Roses? |

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Chapter 9

Skylar's POV

I immediatly grabbed my purse and dashed towards the exit, I walked out of the resturant and it was pouring, I was getting soaked, my hair was getting all messy and lets not forget my makeup, my mascara was running, from crying. I ran and stood under the awning of the restaurant, and called Leah and Fiona to come and get me.

Fiona's POV

We were joking around with the boys when Leah got a call from Skylar asking us to go and pick her up, Leah didn't tell me why we had to get her, but it looked like it was a good reason. We told the boys they had to come with us, because they weren't trusted enough to stay at Leah's house alone, Louis volunteered to drive, but we all agreed  that was a dreadful idea.

We all just decided to take separate cars, considering not all of us would fit in one. We arrived at Maggiano's with Skylar standing alone, under an awning all soaked, with Harry running out of the door towards her screaming "Sorry."

Harry's POV

I saw Sky get in the car with Fiona and Leah, with the boys not far behind, Leah looked at me in shame, followed by a reprehensible nod. I couldn't believe it, my best friends and the two most important girls in my life were mad at me, I thought the boys and Leah knew me better then this, I would never do anything to hurt anybody.

Leah's POV

I saw Harry looking at us, I was so disappointed in him, I couldn't believe him, I thought he knew better, Skylar is one of my best friends, he knew that, why would he try and hurt her? I gave Harry that look of shame, as we pulled away from the restaurant.

When we got home I checked my phone and had realizes I had gotten seven text messages, most of them were from Harry...

1. Harry (July 2, 2012 @ 9:15PM)

How's Skylar? She isn't answering my test messages..

2. Harry (July 2, 2012 @ 9:17PM)

Leah? Are you there? Have Sky call me..

3. Harry (July 2, 2012 @ 9:20PM)

I didn't mean for everything to happen.. please talk to me..

4. Louis (July 2, 2012 @ 9:21PM)

Hey! How's Skylar? Tell her I need to talk to her when we get back to you house.

5. Harry (July 2, 2012 @ 9:23PM)

Can you at least let me have 30 seconds to explain myself?

6. Harry (July 2, 2012 @ 9:24PM)

Whatever! I thought you would understand me..I thought we were best friends..

7. Louis (July 2, 2012 @ 9:26PM

The boys and I are really worried about Skylar, can you have her call us? Oh and Niall wants to order pizza..Can we?

I laughed at Louis's text messages, but all that happiness vanished when I read Harry's text messages.

Skylar POV

My mascara was running and I felt terrible, "Hey guys! Can we just sit down and watch a movie, I am quite upset?" I asked everyone, Leah agreed, as everyone sat on the sofas, Louis begged Leah to watch Finding Nemo, he was even on his knees begging, he loved that movie, at least he kept my mind off of Harry.

Leah finally gave in and agreed, Louis was so freaken happy he could barely express it, Niall was eating while sitting next to Fiona, Fiona couldn't stop giggling by Niall's eating habits and cuteness,  Louis was sitting on the other side of Niall eating also. Leah was sitting right next to me comforting me through everything, that is until we heard a knock on the door, Leah got up to answer it.  I got up and went to the door, to see who it could be and out of nowhere Harry bent down on one knee, holding a rose and asked , "Can I explain myself?"

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