Chapter 12 | Me? Jealous? |

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Chapter 12

Harry's POV

All the girls were finally done getting ready-it's about time, we have been waiting for only two hours. Anyway all the girls were satisfied with their looks do I thought we should leave right now before the girls change their minds on their appearance.

We all stepped out of the house, and I quickly turned to everyone and asked "What should we do today?"

Leah's POV

Louis screamed at the top of his lungs "NAVY PIER!" we all turned towards each other and nodded in excitement. "The girls can take Leah's car and us boys can take my car," Harry said enthusiastically. We all shuffled towards our vehicles, and piled in. The boys pulled out of my driveway, as we followed not far behind.

Fiona's POV

Leah and Skylar were sitting the front seat, and I was sitting behind Skylar in the backseat. I let out a few giggles followed by myself blushing, Skylar and Leah turned around and looked at me as if I was crazy or something. Niall was ending me cute text messages saying how funny, smart, adorable, and kind I am.

Niall's POV

Harry was driving with Louis as his partner in crime along side of him, and I was sitting in between Zayn and Liam texting Fiona. I was telling her cute couple stuff like how cute, caring, kind, pretty, and funny she was. I could tell you right now what she was doing; blushing and giggling.

Skylar's POV

I was thinking about that one day when I met Harry, we has all sat down at a table except for Leah and Harry I couldn't make-out what they were saying, but there was giggling, smiles, googly eyes, and small talk, then out of nowhere Harry and Leah's face totally dropped into an awkward look as they walked back towards the table. After about thinking for about ten seconds it clicked; Harry asked her out, and she rejected it. I felt like I fell into a deep pool of jealousy with these fish that said guilt all over them swam around me, everything was jumbled up in my mind until I felt the car stop, and seat belts that were ejected.

We got out of the car and I ran full speed towards Harry and gave him a great big hug, finally leading to him hugging back.

Fiona's POV

Before we all were out of our seat belts Skylar was already hugging Harry, I looked towards Leah and she was rubbing her arm as if she was in a awkward situation-I wouldn't blame her, she was in a deep pickle alright.

But what make me a great friend is that I knew the truth, I was really the only one she can trust at this moment in time.

Harry's POV

I stepped out of the car and Skylar was already hugging me me, I hugged back of course. While hugging Skylar I looked up at Leah and discovered her rubbing her arm in an awkward manner with that about-to-cry: look.

I finished hugging Skylar and broke the awkwardness in the silence, "Hey guys, whatcha wanna do first?" I asked. Everyone looked at eachother and agreed that our first trip was to "Windy" the pirate ship.

Liam's POV

We started walking down the pier towards "Windy" and noticed something. Niall was holding Fiona's hand, but one thing caught my eye, Harry was in between Skylar and Leah, you might say so what, but Harry had his arms around both of them; that for sure was going to start drama so I acted fast since I am the most mature one in the band. I ran towards Harry and the girls and grabbed Leah's hand and ran until I hit the dock next to "Windy." Once the rest of the group caught up I kissed Leah on the cheeks.

Fiona's POV

Once Liam took off I knew he was up to something I tried to run after him so he didn't do anything that he would regret, but Niall was gripping my hand to tight.

Once we got up to the dock, Liam kissed Leah on the cheek. I turned to see Harry who looked a little jealous and angry.

There was an awkward silence for about ten seconds until Leah finally ran full speed down the pier, Liam ran after Leah with Skylar and I not far behind, but we thought it was for the best if Harry, Zayn, Louis, Michelle, and Brittany just stayed there.

(A/N) So that was it for this chapter!! I hope you liked it..I know it was crappy chapter, but it took me ten minutes to write it!! Remember FAN and VOTE! If you want another chapter I am gonna need 3 comments and 5 votes!! Thanks and my comments to respond to any question you may have DO NOT count!


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