Chapter 16 | New Adventures Await |

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Chapter 16

Liam's POV

"When did you find out?" Harry asked, "Right when we left to go here, Simon texted me."

Harry gave me a sob face and started asking me all these different questions. I tried my best to answer some of them but some where difficult. The boys had such sob face on them, because it meant that we would have to leave the girls behind. Everybody kinda looked at eachother exchanging glances, when Louis shouted out, "IDEA!" We all looked at him quite quickly, "Why don't the girls come with us?" Louis suggested. I told everyone that I thought it was a pretty good idea, and being the guy that I am I made sure the girls asked permission from their parents before they can come. Everybody laughed it off and came into a group hug.

Leah's POV

"My parents probaly won't care if I go with you, because she knows your parents and she knows you guys are safe, but I'll ask her when she gets home, but until then wanna watch a movie?" I asked everybody. Before anybody could answer, Liam shot up from his seat and screamed "TOY STORY," we all laughed it off, while Harry went to make popcorn, I placed the disk in the disk drive and started the movie. By the time the movie started, Harry returned to the family room. I looked to the boys and smiled at eachother and remembered when we used to do this when we were younger, but instead of cuddling with eachother, we were cuddling with our parents.

Literally as soon as the movie ended my mom walked through the front door. Everybody looked and me and hinted to ask my mom. I got off my lazy ass, and walked towards my mom, "Hey mom, How was you day?" "Uhmm...good..What did you do?" "Nothing can I ask a favor of you" "I don't know, does it involve moneyy?" "No, I was wondering if I could go back to London with Liam, Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and maybe Fiona, and Skylar. The boys are going on a small tour around Europe and I really wanted to see the boys' new home, and their parents again, please? Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top." I pleaded. My mom rolled her eyes and said, "sure, why not?" I started jumping up and down with joy in my pants. "When do you leave, and how are you getting there?" "Simon is going to pick us up tomorrow at dawn, and we are a taking a private plane." "Okay, go pack."

I came running out of the kitchen with joy smacked across my face, Fiona, Sky call your mom. Fiona and Skylar immediatly got on their phones and dialed their moms.

Skylar's POV

"Yes mom, yea whatever, see you in a few." Those were the last few words I said to my mom before the tears welled up in my eyes. I walked out of the bathroom in tears hoping nobody will notice, but clearly that didn't do anything. I walked into the family room to two happy teenage girls and five teenage boys surronding them. "What;s wrong babe?" Harry asked. "I can't go to London, my mom never met you and she doesn't want me to run off with some random boy she never met, and I'm supposed to be going off to college next year, and it's too much." I can't go and when you all are partying in London, I'll be here studying. "I'm so sorry babe, I wish you could go." Harry said to me. Then out of nowhere Fiona and Leah came up to me and hugged me, "We won't go if you don't want?""NO, you can't pass up an oppunity like this, just go." Everybody pulled into a tight hug, and as soon as we all released I ran out the door, "I love you Harry" I told him as I blew him a kiss.

Leah's POV

"Wow, I can't believe it, we probaly won't see our best friend for a long time. Fiona? Can we handle this?" "I d-d-don't know, but she said we have to go." "It's you choice sweetie," I heard my mom say form the hallway. "I would go, I bet they all miss you, and Skylar will get over it, if she was a real friend, she wouldn't get mad at you for some dumb reason, so go, have fun, nobody is stopping you." I hugged my mom tight and thanked her.

"Hey! Since we are leaving bright and early can we go to my house so I can gather some clothes, and my laptop, etc.?" "Sure babe" I hugged each and everyone of the boys and told them that we would be back in a bit, I motioned for the boys to comfort Harry because he must be going through a tough time at this moment and he needs all the cheers he can get.

We walked down the block until we reached Fiona's house. Fiona searched for her keys and unlocked her front door until it unlocked. We walked in quietly so that way we didn't wake her parents, we tip toed up the stair and walked down this hallway untul we reached her bedroom. We walked in and she grabbed a tote bag and also a suitcase. She started to load a bunch of clothes into her suitcase as well as shoes and hair stuff. Then she walked into her closet and grabbed this safe that has been hiding for the past few years, but in the safe she hid over $5000 that she had been saving for a few years. She grabbed all her money and started to fill up her tote with all her important teenage stuff like her phone, ipod, laptop, charges for all her eletronics, and a few books, she was all prepared. We snuck back out her room and down the stair, but our plan didn't go as planned because her parents were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Fiona started to shed a few tears as she said goodbye to her parents. They had a few moments together until we all agreed that we need to get back to my house.

After about fifteen minutes of walking we arrived back at my house. We stepped in my house and waled up the stairs to my room, but I was left a llittle surprise in my room; all five of the boys were passed out on my floor. I decided that stayin gup even later wasn't a good idea considering we have to wake up early. I slid into my pajamas, a simple cami sweatpants and jumped into my bed.

BEEP BEEP BEEP was the next thing I heard, I sat up rapidly and noticed that Simon was going to be here in less then a half hour. I crawled out of my bed and woke up Fiona, she was up within two seconds, that was the easy part, the challenge was yet to come; trying to get the boys up. We both looked at eachother, then started to hit the boys with pillows nonstop until they woke up, they eventually woke up. I darted to my bathroom and stripped out of my pajamas and threw on a random purple Jack Wills hoodie, skinny jeans, purple converse, a few braclets, and a messy bun to finish it up. Then while I ran down that stairs with all my bags and luggage, the boys, Fiona, Simon, and my mom were already ready to go. I gave my mom one last hug and kiss and I was out the door.

There was a fifteen minute drive to the airport, and there was absolutly no fans, but look on the brightside, they all looked like zombies anyway. We all stepped out of the car, and grabbed our bags when Harry made a comment to me, "Nice hoodie," I blushed a but while I realized that I was wearing Harry's hoodie. I laughed it off a bit, but before I could say another word Harry said, "Your sitting by me on the plane." I nodded in agreement and we continued on our way. We went through baggage check, and then it was time for boarding. Harry and I stayed close while we boarded. We all finally made it on the plane, and took our seats. Niall and Fiona; Harry and I; Liam and Louis; and Zayn was sitting by himself, because he need space to sleep.

We took off and I must say this is going to be the best experience I have ever had.


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