Chapter 29

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Billie's POV

 "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" I said walking into her room. I paused and looked at her room. Again it's filled with papers and guitar picks. I saw her electric guitar on the floor as well. I look at ehr bed and I see her sitting on her bed with her back against the wall and her legs lying on the bed. Her bed is also covered in papers but the papers are ordered somehow. In her right hand was a pencil and in her left hand was a paper. Her acoustic guitar is on her lap. I guess she was working on a song before she slept. I walk up to her and try to wake her up.

"Gloria. Wake up"

"mmmm" she moved her head away from me.

"Gloria come on you gotta get up."

"Leave me alone for a while. I finally went to sleep." she said sleepily

"Were you working on something?"

"Yes. I was preparing the songs for band practice" she said in a whisper.

"I can see that"

"And some songs needed writing so I was writing as well" 

"You were writing before you sleep?"

"I always do" she said still looking away.


"Because dreams are where the imagination goes wild. Before we dream our imagination starts to flow. I like to work on my songs before I sleep so I can use this imagination before it turns into a dream and I forget most of it." Oh my God. My daughter is like me. 

"Where did you get that from?"

"I don't know honestly. It just feels that way I guess." I stood there for a minute smiling. I then shook it off and continued waking her up.

"Come on Gloria you gotta get up."

"I know just let me sleep for a few seconds."

"Gloria it's ten am. You're gonna be late" It's like those words turned on a switch. Before I knew it Gloria was out of bed and in the bathroom. I decided to let her be. I went downstairs to the kitchen to see what Adie was making for breakfast.

"Good morning Adie."

"Good morning honey." She said. I walked up to her and kissed her.

"Hey! Not in front of me. Get a room you two." Joey said.

"Good morning Joey. Why are you up so early?"

"I'm going skate boarding with Seb then I'm going to hang out with the guys for a while"



"Alright I got my stuff and I'm almost ready to go Billie." Gloria said rushing in. She was holding a back pack and two guitar cases in one hand and her shoe and a folder in another hand. She set the back pack and guitar cases carefully on the ground then came running to the table. She put her foulder at the table then put on her shoe and tied her laces then got up to the counter. "All I need to do is make some coffee then I'm ready" she said in a rush.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked

"You said I'm going to be late for the studio and you're right. Band practice starts at eleven and it's ten fifteen now. I'm already super late." She said not looking up from the counter.

"Gloria sweety have some breakfast before you go" Adie said.

"No time. Band practice. Late. Gotta go" she said. "Where is the god damn coffee mug?"

"Gloria is only takes 10 minutes to reach the studio. You have plenty of time" she dropped everything she's doing and turned around and looked at me.

"10 minutes?! Are you kidding me? It takes at least 3 hours to go to Oakland by bus. And that's if there isn't any traffic."

"3 hours??? What are you talking about?" Joey asked.

"Have you never been to Oakland?" she said frustrated "to go from Rodeo to Oakland it takes a minimum of 3 hours by bus"

"Oh honey" Adie said. She walked up to Gloria and hugged her. "Gloria we don't live in Rodeo. We live in Berkley"

"What?" She said looking at Adie.

"We live in Berkley. It's not far from Oakland."

"But... I-I-I... Oh my God" she put her head in her hands. "I totally forgot I live in Berkley now. I thought I still lived in Rodeo."

"It's ok it happens to the best of us. How about you sit down at the table, drink your coffee and I'll make you something to eat." Gloria nodded and walked to the table and sat on the chair next to me and opposite to Joey. Adie gave her coffee and asked her what she wants to eat.

"Nothing thank you. I'm not a breakfast person."

"But you have to eat" Adie said.

"I know. But I'm really not hungry. I promise I'll eat when I come back" Adie went back to cooking breakfast. She made eggs and bacon for Joey and made me some cereal while I was reading the news. Gloria was whispering to her self and tapping the table.

"Gloria!" Adie said causing Gloria to jump. Gloria looked at Adie. 


"There will be no working at breakfast" Adie said. "Breakfast is where we eat as a family. So try your best not to work while at the table please."

"Okey dokey" she said and drank her coffee.

"Alright. I gotta go now. Thanks for breakfast mom. I'll be home for dinner" said Joey. He went to Adie and kissed her on the cheek and went to Gloria and gave her a fist bump. He came to me and whispered in my ear "she's a lot like you by the way." He gave me a high five and walked out the front door. I finished my cereal and put down the newspaper.

"Ready to go?!" I asked Gloria.

"Yeah. Let's go." She said. She got up and put the back pack on her back and held the two guitars and foulder. 

"Bye Adie" I said. I walked up to Adie and kissed her.

"As cute as this is, and I hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but Billie we gotta go. It's ten forty-five."

"Alright." I got my car keys and walked towards the front door.

"Bye Adie. Thanks for the coffee" said Gloria and walked behind me. We went to the car and drove off to the studio.


Here you go guys. Another chapter. Things will get better in the story. I promise. Untill then you shall suffer >:). I'm just kidding. I really hope you're not suffering. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And as always

Comment and suggestions and I'll try to put them in.

Rage and Love X X

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