Chapter 11

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Gloria's POV

I walked in and saw someone dressed as a clown, wearing a bra over his shirt and singing while running around the room.

"HEYYY GLLLOOORRRIIIAAAAA" sang the clown when he saw me

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" I screamed and before I could run outside the room the clown grabbed me from behind into a hug and started spinning me. Grubbs, Bill-E, Mike and Jake fell on the floor laughing. I started kicking and screaming like a kid.

"LET ME GO!!!!" I screamed close to tears.

"LET IT GO! LET IT GOOO!" the clown started singing. at this point I just couldn't take it

"LET ME GO NOW OR I WILL FUCKING KICK YOU IN THE FUCKING NUTS" I screamed and I was starting to get pissed. the guys didn't stop laughing.

"Not until you say the magic words" said the clown


"Now that's not very nice" said the clown


"If it bleeds you can kill it Gloria" I started to whisper to myself. the guys were still laughing.

"WARNING LIVE WITHOUT WARNING" sang the clown. At this point I snapped I used my free legs to kick him in the nuts. I may have kicked him harder than I should have but I didn't care at the moment. he let go of me and fell on the ground cursing and yelling in pain and I just ran out of the room, out of the store and into an alleyway in the back.

I collapsed on the floor put my knees up to my face and just started crying. I started to stop breathing. oh shit I was having a panic attack and an asthma attack again but I left my bag in the room and my inhaler is in my bag.

I can hear someone calling my name but I can't look up or even speak. the person came to me and said

"Breathe Gloria come on. breathe through your mouth. come on Gloria" I tried to breath but it wouldn't work. at this point the person wrapped his arms around me into a hug and started to whisper soothing words that sounded like a song into my ears. then the person started to stroke my hair. after a minute or so I calmed down and my breathing came back to normal.

The person must have noticed cause he released the hug and waited for me to move or say something. I looked up, put me back to the wall and stretched my legs. I looked to my left and saw that the person was Billie.

"Thanks" I whispered

"You're welcome" he said "are you ok?"

"Better now" I said

"What happened back there? I mean it was just a clown"

"Just a clown?! it's not just a clown" I said but I didn't get angry at him I was speaking calmly afraid I might get another asthma attack "I hate clowns. I have a phobia from clowns"

"Ooohhh... that would explain the screaming and the cursing"

"Yeah sorry about that"

"Don't worry about it. I don't blame ya"

Then mike came to us

"How are you doing squirt?!" mike said

"I'll live to see another day" I said

Mike chuckled then said "ummm... he's back to normal now if..."

"We'll be there in a minute" billie cut him off

"Ok" mike said then left me and billie alone

"Why do you care about me so much?!" I asked billie

"What do you mean?!"

"I mean you don't know me and I don't know you but you are always there to help me.... why?!"

"Oh ummmm... I haven't given it much thought to be honest. I treat you as my daughter and besides you need help and so I help you"

"But why... I mean you're the only person, other than those three nimrods in there, that has ever tried to help me... I just want to know why"

"Honestly I don't know but you just look like a person who needs help. you're like a troubled soul that doesn't ask for help but needs it y'know. and I just feel like I should help you because there is something about you that I just can't put my hands on. something y'know I can't quite figure out. but there is something special about you. oh and I mean this in a non creepy way just saying"

"Don't worry about it I understand" we stay in silence for a while "I don't deserve this"

"Deserve what?!" billie asked

"This...your help... y'know letting me stay at your place, giving us this record deal, you helping me and most probably saving my life..." billie cut me off

"Don't ever say that Gloria. you are an amazing and beautiful young girl and you deserve all the happiness and care in the world. don't put yourself down like that" Billie said. I still don't know why he cares so much about me. I mean I'm just a random person from the street and he cares for me like a child.

We sat in silence for what seemed like hours. I didn't mind it to be honest it was calming not as calming as billie's voice in my ear but still calming.

"Want to go in now?!" billie said. I took a deep breath and nodded. we got up and walked back to the studio.

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