Kuai Liang X Talkative!Reader

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*short; reallly short*

"Can't you shut up?" Kuai hissed in frustration.

"No, I need to know why Frost was so angry today." You started, tapping your chin in thought.

"Kuai, when are we training again?"

"Why do you and Hanzo hate each other?"

"Have you seen Takeda today?"

"What are you doing?"

"Your hair looks so nice."

"Y/N please, I beg you.." Kuai mumbled. "You're giving me a headache."

"Oh, do you want some ibuprofen? Or I can massage your temples. People tell me I d—"  Kuai cut you off.

"Let's play a game." He gave you a small, forced smile.

"Ooh, I love games! What are we playing? How do we play?" You began bouncing in excitement.

"Uh.. it's called quiet.. quiet as a mouse, yeah." He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "We play to see who can stay quiet the longest."

"Okay, when do we start?" You grinned.

"Now." He answered, turning back to what he was doing.

You began looking around the room in boredom, humming a small tune.

"No humming." Kuai snipped instantly.

"You lost!" You laughed. "I'm the champion, I beat you at a game. Oh, I'm so much better than y—!"

"Just shut up!"

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