Johnny Cage X Child!Reader

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You were seven years old, playing in the grass with your older sibling, Cassie. She was twelve, already working for the special forces.

Your mum was always very strict towards you two, mainly Cassie. Your dad, however, was more laid back, but he was still pretty strict.

The two of you were interrupted by your mothers shouting.

"Cassie and Y/N Cage! What have I told you about playing without supervision?" Your mother, Sonya, shouted.

"Sorry, mother." The two of you answered.

"Sonya, give them a break. We're home and we're safe." Your father, Johnny, shook his head.

"They can still get hurt." Sonya bit back.

"Mommy, all we were doing was playing in the grass." Y/N fiddled with her thumbs.

"I don't want to hear a word from you, Y/N. Last time you were nearly killed for being too curious." Her mother snapped, making tears water in your eyes.

You were outside all alone. It was becoming dark, and you were supposed to be inside before it got pitch black.

However, there was strange sounds emitting from the woods. Your curiosity took complete control of you.

Soon, you found yourself standing at the edge of the woods, a pair of red eyes in front of you.

Just as you reached out to find the owner of the eyes, a loud gunshot filled the silence.

"Y/N, what the hell are you doing? That was a hellhound — it could've killed you!" Her dad exclaims in shock.

"I - I'm sorry. I just wanted to see w - what it was." You mumbled sadly, rubbing your arm.

"Haven't you ever heard the phrase curiosity killed the cat?" Your dad shook his head, pulling Emerilla back inside.

"Sonya, lay off. I was watching them from the window." Your dad raised an eyebrow.

Your mom's face softened as she let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. C'mon, girls, let's go inside."

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