Yandere!Hanzo Hasashi X Shy!Insecure!Reader

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Requested by _floralvirgo_
No more OutWorld requests for now! :D

You walked around the destruction of OutWorld. You couldn't find your leader, Quan Chi, and you were too shy to ask anyone. You didn't want to work for him, but you did anyways so he wouldn't kill your family.

You slowly picked at you armor, and scratched your arms and face. You never liked the way you looked, at you always felt insecure.

You turned a corner to come face to face with a warrior dressed in yellow.

"Are you looking for Quan Chi?" He asked slowly, but the blood on his hands and armor made you unsteady. You nodded your head slowly. "Ah, he's dead."

You should've felt mortified, but instead you were relieved. You wanted to thank the warrior, but you were too shy. Sadly, he next thing he said made you want to cry.

"I couldn't stop him from killing your family though,"

You started to cry, and you crumbled to your knees. Your parents were the only ones you had left, and now they were gone. His hand patted your head.

"I know how it feels. My family and wife was murdered by him as well. He promised he wouldn't harm them, but he killed them anyways!" He growled angrily. "That's why I sought revenge, and I killed him."

Your arms wrapped around his legs and you hugged him. "What's your name?" You asked quietly.

"Hanzo Hasashi. Your (Y/N) (L/N), shy and insecure, right?" Hanzo asked. You nodded. "Well, don't feel insecure. Your quite beautiful."

You blushed profusely. No one had ever called your beautiful before. You'd just been called an emo.

"T-Thanks," you murmured. You felt a flash of heat, and you fell to the ground. Hanzo was no longer there, only a couple ambers and cinders flying in the air as they vanished.

You smiled, hoping he would come back again soon.

Does he seem yandere?
I'm asking because he doesn't!
I tried, tho.

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