You Chose: Scorpion

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You wake up in your cement cell, standing still and quiet, but you could hear Hanzo's shouts of anger and his constant banging. Some guards came to your cell to pick you up and take you to Kuai.

"Ah, so (Y/N). Have you made your choice?" He said, walking up to you.

"I have," you replied firmly. "I choose Scorpion."

"What?!" He yelled, enraged. "You'd rather choose that demon from hell rather than me?"

"At least I actually love that demon from hell!" You shot back, furious.

"Enough with this! Bring Scorpion in here this instant!" Kuai growled.

The guards scrambled off quickly, obviously not wanted to be hurt by their master who was about to blow a fuse.

They came back with Hanzo, who looked calm and happy. Maybe because you chose him?

"Make sure he doesn't leave," Kuai said, walking off to get something.

"You chose me?" Hanzo said softly, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," you replied, not breaking your gaze from where Kuai walked off from.

"Thanks," he said quietly, almost like a whisper. You just hummed in response.

Kuai came back wielding a katana. Hanzo's eyes widened, realizing what was going to happen. You were grabbed firmly by the shoulders and you couldn't move.

"Sub-Zero, don't!" Hanzo growled angrily.

Kuai raised the blade, and the sunlight gave it a glint.

"I'll never forgive you for this," you whispered as Kuai started swinging. The blade made contact with your skin as your head flew off, landing on the ground.

You crumpled to your knees, dead.

"How could you?!"


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