Half Tarktan!Scorpion X Innocent!Reader

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Requested by rxainz

You and Scorpion had been friends for years. You were glad he showed you his soft side, and he even revealed his deepest secrets with you. Except for one.

You had always asked why he wore a mask, though he would never answer the question. Instead, he would just change the subject.

One day, you finally had enough. You knew you were an innocent girl, but he had finally made you angry enough to where you would find out yourself.

(A/N: yeah, it's kinda like the Tarktan!Erron Black, so don't spam the comments with THAT.)

"Hey, Scorpio?" You said innocently.

"I told you never to call me that." He said angrily, turning around. You pulled of his mask and a set of teeth were underneath. "(Y/N), this is why I never told you!"

You were slightly frightened by the tone of his voice, but you were also surprised that he was half-tartktan.

Scorpion let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his temples. "I suppose you hate me now?"

"I could never hate you, bestie!" You said happily, wrapping your arms around him. Scorpion didn't enjoy the hug, though he was glad you didn't hate him. He also didn't like how you called him 'bestie'.

"Can I please have my mask back?" He asked quietly, trying to keep his anger in place.

"Only if you can catch me!" You yelled with excitement, grabbed his yellow mask, and ran away.



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