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By the time we reached the set the video about me confronting the guy was everywhere! Even some online newspapers were talking about it. I literally wanted to smack my face.

How could I've been so stupid?

Anna was the first one to talk to me about it.

"Why'd you do it, Hero? You knew there were cameras around you!", she asked me. She didn't look like she was mad at me. She just really wanted an explanation.

"He touched Josephine, godamnit! I wouldn't let him go away like that", I practically yelled.

"I get it that you wanted to defend her, but it wasn't the right moment"

And what moment would be the right one?, I wanted to yell. After she felt devasted and disguisting and she had continued talking pictures and smiling at fans even though she wanted to leave everyone? How could I've let something like that go?

But insted of saying all that I went with a simple 'okay' and a 'sorry I'll be more careful next time'

Let's hope there isn't a next time.

After I met the other cast members we read all together the script.

Mmm, it definitely is rated R now.

The only thing that was going through my mind was how to say 'I want to fuck you' without laughing or feeling awkward.

They also painted to me Hardin's tattoos and added a few ones too. They made sure they're gonna stay a few day, while we're filming, so now wherever I had to go for the next too weeks, I'd have tattoos all over my body.

Jo seemed a little bit weird all day, which I didn't blame her about. I didn't talk to her either because I didn't want to bring that incident back.

At noon we had a small break and I decided to scroll through instagram. The video of me pushing away Jo and confronting that guy was everywhere on my explore page. Most of the fans were feeling sypmathy about Jo and the fact that she had to go through that. Others were saying how 'heroic' of me was to stand up for Jo, no pun intended.

I sighed and locked my phone trying to get away from the whole thing.

When we finished our preperations at night, Anna had the idea that all the crew and the cast should watch together the After Movie to 'remeber how much fun we had last Summer' and how 'we're aiming for a better movie this Summer', so she invited us all at her hotel roon.

Thankfully it was a large room so we could all fit. I noticed Shane in a couch alone and I plopped next to him. A few minutes later Khadija came and sat next to me. I noticed Jo talking to Samuel on the couch across the one that I was sitting. She was trying to eat a slice of pizza but the cheese was all over the place. Sam was just teasing her and they were both laughing happily.

She looks so peaceful.

And beautiful.

I smiled and turned my head to the movie that was just starting.

Throughout the movie I could hear a lot of sexual comments about Tessa and Hardin but I tried to ignore everything.

Suddenly, I felt something hitting my shoudler and I turned my head to see Khadija leaning her head there.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind", she said as she sensed my confusion.

"No, it's alright", I answered, my british accent thicker than usual.

My Co-Lover (H.F.T. & J.L.)Where stories live. Discover now