8. The Campfire

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Sebastian's POV

*phone ringing*

I groaned and covered my ears with a  pillow hoping it wouldn't disturb me again.

*phone ringing*

Arrghh!  I reached for the phone with my eyes shut and attended the call.


"You have 20 minutes to get ready and come down. I'm already waiting across the street." I voice instructed.

"Diana?" It sure as hell sounded like her! I checked the caller id to confirm.

"No, you're wife!" She said sternly.

"As far as I know, I'm still an eligible bachelor. So, not obliged to follow the pseudo-wife's instructions. Peace out!" I replied. Suddenly, I didn't feel sleepy. I was awake.

"Mr. Vettel. I suggest you get your lazy butt off that bed right now and get the hell ready. You've 19 minutes before I come up and personally drag you out in whatever condition you're in." Getting up from the bed. I walked towards the balcony to check whether she's really there.

Yupp, she's there! Sitting on a car's bonnet wearing an annoyed look.

"I'd like to see you try that." I chuckled.

"15 minutes!"

"You said 20 minutes.." 

"12!" She snapped.

"Okay, okay. I'm up!" With that I disconnected the call. Oh this girl! 

I hurriedly took a shower and threw on some cargo shorts and a white tee. Yes, this should be fine!

As I walked out of the lobby, I saw Diana still sitting on the bonnet of the car, across the street, but now a man was standing in between her legs. Both of his hands were resting on her knees. Apparently, Diana was laughing on something he said; while playing with his hair or toying with his sunglasses. 

I stood there watching both of them not knowing what to feel or how to react. One thing was sure that I felt a little uncomfortable seeing both of them so close to each other. Suddenly, I felt weak. All the excitement her phone call gave me was slowly draining away. I shook my head before walking of towards them.

Erhalten sie gemeinsam handeln!

Diana tilted her head to spot me. Instantly, a beautiful smile shot up as I waved to her. The man in front of her turned around to see me. Dylan? 

As I crossed the street to reach them, she winked at me, "Not bad, Mr. Vettel!"

I smiled at her and greeted Dylan. 

"So, where to?" I asked her.

She jumped off the car and tossed the keys to Dylan. "Kate's home. Dex is making us breakfast. Do you like waffles, Seb?"

"Do I have an option?" I asked as I slid in the passenger seat. She laughed.

It wasn't a long drive to Kate's home considering how Diana would suddenly blurt out stupid and related things while we were talking and then would sneer when neither Dylan nor I responded to her. 

Kate's home was quite pleasant and quaint. It seems as if she was quite fond of gardening. We sat around the table and ate our breakfast, which, I must add, was very delicious.

"So, what's your plan today?" Kate asked Diana as we cleared the tables. Dex and Dylan had left to fetch few things Diana told them to.

"Oh yes! I don't know." She replied.

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