32. The Missed Race

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"And so we explored one another, the shallow stream of a mouth, the small range of a hip, our bodies entangled and vast like thick rolling woodlands. Like tourists in a foreign country, everything was both fascinating and rich. We were lost. And we didn't care to find a way back."


"Wake up", someone said poking my arm, "Diana?"

I groaned at the noisy disturbance. Suddenly I felt a warmth breath tickling my ear followed by a harsh whisper-shout of my name waking me up with a jolt. The sudden movement caused my head to spin and slip back against the hard surface.

"Whoa! Careful, Diana.." The voice said as I felt a hand clasp my arm to keep me stable.

I opened my eyes but regretted it almost immediately as the bright yellow light pinched my sight.

"Pete, could you fetch some water?" The voice ordered, firm yet soft.

I opened my eyes again, slowly, allowing them to adjust to the bright light as I took in my surroundings. There were equipment of different shapes and sizes all around, the whole place was swarmed with people but not the suffocating kinds. All the walls were white with voids of purple-everything came down.

I'm at the RedBull garage.

"Are you well?" The voice came again from beside me. I turned to spot a familiar face.

"Kenny!" I smiled at the worried looking engineer.

A bald guy dressed in the RedBull logos came with a bottle of water, "Here, have some water."

I politely took the bottle and gulped some.

"You're a pretty heavy sleeper, huh?" Kenny sighed.

"On the contrary, I wake up upon the slightest shuffle." I reasoned.

"Could've fooled me!" The bald guy smirked earning a glare from Kenny. "I mean, I've never seen anyone sleep through such deafening noise, not even my grandma who's deaf but s-"

The bald man let out an 'oomph' as Kenny lightly jabbed his elbow in the bald man's stomach.

"Hey-are you alright? As in are you unwell?" He asked frowning.

"Yeah, I'm 100% fine. I just fell asleep, I guess.." I answered, confused.

"Oh-its just you kinda slept through the whole race."

I stared at him in disbelief, open mouthed, "T-the whole r-race?"

"Yepp!" The bald man replied shoving his hands in the pockets of his trousers, clearly enjoying.

I let out a dead laugh, "That's not possible. The race was just about t-I couldn't ha-Oh God!" I groaned looking around. Everyone was wrapping up the whole place, carefully stuffing and packing everything in the garage.

The baldy spoke again, "You missed the whole damn entertainment, especially Seb's funny little acceptance speech at the podium!"

My eyes widened, "Po-podium? Sebastian scored a podium?"

Before Kenny could say anything, the baldy affirmed, "Pfft! You actually call him Sebastian?"

I rolled my eyes and let out a displeased grunt.

How did I fell asleep during this race? Stupid stupid lazy body!

Kenny gave me an apologetic smile, "After the race, Antti and Britta tried waking you up but you didn't budge-"

"Speaking of which, where are they?" I interrupted, looking around for them.

"Oh, Britta had to run for the interviews with Seb. We were trying to wake you up for the past hour.. God, you got us so worried, we sent Antti to call Seb, we didn't know what else to do!" He said running a hand across his face but the baldy was grinning ear-to-ear for whatever reason and giving me creepy chills.

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