27. The Missed Calls

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"You can ask the universe for all the signs you want, but ultimately, we see what we want to see when we're ready to see it!"

Sam's words kept ringing in my ears as the flight attendant revised the safety guidelines. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but everything that happened last night-that kiss, the argument with Seb, a sleepless night and a hell lot of uncertainty-kept hovering over my mind even as I was on my way to deal with another problem.

Few hours later after Seb had left, Sam came into the room carrying a packet of chips and few chocolate bars. She put on some soft pop music before crashing down the bed. I could tell she wasn't happy with the way I reacted, but she was here for comfort.

"You don't have to do that you know.. I know you're upset with me so, you don't have to-"

"I'm not here for your pity party Diana", she spat angrily, "I'm here to knock some sense into you. I don't care how hurt you are, but tonight you'll have to listen to every word I say!"

Oh no! This is going to be my personalized hell-the kind I was not ready for!

I put up a hand before she could even open her mouth again, "No, Sam, don't go there. I can't deal with this for the second time tonight."

A long moment of unexpected silence blew as she stood there. God knows what devious plan she was contemplating.. And I wasn't least bit interested to stick there and find out.

"Why are you so afraid?" Her words caught me.

Any logical person would ask that but she..?

My mind ran short on logic yet the question rang clearly in my head.

"Talk to me Diana; talk to me not as a friend but as a stranger." She said in a sweet voice as she settled next to me.

I looked away thinking she'd leave me but I knew she wouldn't stop pestering me until she got what she wanted. I puffed out air, "Fear is good, Samantha. It keeps me from leaping into the unknown where I crash and burn."

"Don't you feel loved and happy when you're with me, with Avi.. With him?" She countered.

"I do. I'm happy and free. I love you guys but Seb.. I-Love can't set you free, Samantha. Love equals to morbid and relentless fear of losing the other person. Only the brave can take the risk, I'm not brave Sam, not anymore.." My voice betrayed as tears started falling down my cheeks.

"You're the bravest person I know, D, and I'm not saying it to make you feel better. I mean it! Everyone's got a story, and some of us are still stuck in the chapters that have already been written and which can't be changed, because they are there  in the past. You know what it's like to be tormented by something that happened and sometimes you get terrified when you think that the past is about to repeat itself. So you run from it and shut people out-"

"But Sebastian isn't like that!" I reiterated what she was getting at.

"Yes, he isn't. With him no history will repeat, but there's nothing to say that you won't have a different problems." She nodded knowingly and pulled me into a hug. "When you meet someone who tries their hardest to stick by you regardless of how difficult you are, keep them. Keep them at all costs because finding someone who cares enough to look past your flaws isn't something that happens everyday!"

"I don't know what part of you just said to ignore, either that you just insulted me twice in one sentence or that he's.. that I should-"

"You know what you have to do Diana! I'm not going to dictate it to you, damn woman!"  She smacked my head jokingly.

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