5. The Wait

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It's been 8 days. 'E-I-G-H-T' freaking days since I sent that e-mail. And I still haven't got any reply. I mean not that I check my inbox all the time. Who am I kidding?! I keep refreshing it every hour or so thinking he would've sent it by now probably. I sighed as I sat in front of a huge pile of papers, waiting for me to open and audit them.

"Arrgghhh!" I groaned. Even though I had a lot to do, however, my mind couldn't get off from it. "I'm a very impatient person, Sam. But I've been waiting like a good girl for the past 8 days for his reply. I'm not going to this anymore. I'm tired and I don't care."

"Never forget, Diana, that with a positive attitude and a great pair of tits, you can overcome and do anything!" Sam retorted. With that we both burst out laughing.

After few minutes of work and inconsistent chatter, "Maybe he gave me a fraud ID. Or maybe he's actually been kidnapped."

Sam hummed, without giving me much importance.

"Maybe his PA saw that first and deleted it. But then there were photos.. Ooh! She must've thought that they are photoshopped. Oh, oh, oh! Maybe he forgot his password. That's quite possible right?"


"Sam? I think he has a girlfriend. That's why he isn't replying."


"Damn! What if he's gay? No wonder being with him was easy."


"SAMANTHA! You're aren't even listening to me!"

"Shut it, D. Stop obsessing over it. I'm sure he'll reply soon. He must've been crazy busy, okay. Now, drink that hot chocolate and get back to work." She snapped.

"Yes, mommy!" I pouted and diverted my attention towards the file in my hand. Right! Back to Sweden's education stats.

"Maybe I'm just too amazing and chilled out than him, and that freaking scared him. That's why he won't reply. Because he's afr-" Before I could complete, Sam glared at me. Oookay!

"Babo gat-eun yeoja!" She mumbled in Korean, thanks to the K-dramas.

The rest of the evening was rather uneventful. No guests. No messages. No new e-mails. Just loads of phone calls of my over-friendly boss, Max, about our forth-coming presentation. Before I went to bed, I refreshed my mail, 'No New Mail' it read. I sighed and let sleep take over me.

Sometime, in the middle of the night I woke up. I was rather tempted to check my mail again. Drowsily, I opened my mail and there it was. The reply I've been waiting for the past 8- no, 9, the mail I've been waiting for the past 9 days. I tapped on the it, waiting for it too open while my idiot eyes were more interested in closing and relaxing. I fought back a little just to see a 'Hello' written there, before I gave in to sleep again.

The next morning I woke with with a start. I checked my mobile to see the time; I had a minute be for my alarm blew off. Just then it stuck me. I received a mail from Sebastian, or was it a dream? Even though I ws crazily excited to check again but something held me back, what if there was no mail? Then it would be just like the other times when I'd hang my head dejectedly.

I decided to check, anyhow. And there it was! The reply to my message.

Hello Diana!

I almost believed that you forgot about me. I'm so happy to see your message and also the photos. Job well done, young lady! Anyways, how've you been?

PS: I'm still waiting for those kidnappers you sent. I believe they've lost their way. Next time, give them a GPS tracker okay!


I could literally feel my heart thumping out of my chest while I was reading his message.

"Sammy! Sammy! Sammy! He replied! Wake up, lazy ass." I shouted running into her room.

"Jez. I'm ub." She mumbled in her pillow.

"I'm so happy. But you know what I'm not going to reply to his message now. I'm going to torture him and make him wait." I said snuggling into the sheet with her.


After a long pause, I said, "Can you make breakfast today?"

Her eyes were wide open now, reflecting utter surprise. Raising an eyebrow, she said, "Did you forget the toast?"

Oh, damn!

Sam is good at many things, but cooking.. That's certainly not her thing. She once burned a toast, a freaking toast. Since then, I've taken the kitchen under my wing.

"Yepp, you're right!" I got off and trodded towards the kitchen.

We had a peaceful breakfast considering how my mind was just replaying the contents of his message. I sighed and picked up the phone and hurriedly typed a reply.

What can I say, Mr. Vettel, I exist to please.And about me? I'm utterly disappointed, Mr. Vettel. Due to your lack of response, I nearly believed that my men did a fine job. This is such a waste.

I hit send before I could think. Pheww! That was easy.

With that I happily got changed and ran to office. Around lunch time when I checked my mail, I saw a much awaited reply. A huge grin was spread across my face.

Hahaha.. Oh Dia! =')

I'm sorry for replying so late. I swear I didn't forget you. I was neck-deep in things. There were testing sessions, press conferences, too many late-nights, shitty discussions, sponsors' events and some more meetings. It's crazy out here. Now, I'm back in London for 2 days and I miss the time I spent here with you. I was so bloody relaxed that day, that moment.

I hope you're coming for the Australian GP. I'd love to have you there.

My heart skipped a beat. It was.. I didn't think.. Jesus! I suppose I zoned out for a few minutes until until my cell rang. I quickly attended that call and replied to Seb's mail.

Aww.. It's okay, kiddo. I wasn't really dying anyway. Besides, you've got to do what you've got to do! Though I'm really glad to know that you miss me much :p

And I'm sorry, I can't come for the race. I have too many prior work commitments around that week. And besides, I always wanted my first race to be either Monaco or Singapore or Monza. So, I guess you have no other choice but to miss me some more.

And what's up with 'Dia'? Who's Dia? I don't know any Dia!

Feeling satisfied, I happily returned to work.

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