33. Udaipur

910 30 5

"The monsters in your head are frightening for the very same reason everyone believes they should not be, they aren't real, because day in and day out you must live with the knowledge that your own mind is working against you, whispering dark things in the middle of the night, disobeying your desperate cries to stop, your own mind is a murderous adversary, an enemy under your own skin, and nothing is quite so terrifying."


A series of almost inaudible laughter fell in the otherwise silent hallway from the other side of the door.

I let out a tired sigh and opened the door to see Sam sprawled across the couch whereas Seb was slouched on a bean bag cradling a sleepy Abigail as she clung onto his neck resting her small body against his chest. Sam was busy laughing boisterously when Sebastian's twinkling eyes met my tired ones and winked at me. I titled my head a bit as I continued to stare into his eyes as he looked into mine.

Coming home to this makes every trouble worthwhile.

While his fingers were softly massaging Abigail's head, his tongue shot out slowly and sensuously licking his lower lip, his eyes making the action look awfully innocent. Involuntarily, heat rushed into my cheeks.

What wouldn't I give up to be in-place of Abigail right now..

I was pulled out of my trance when Sam yelled, "Are you going to stand there forever?"

I narrowed my eyes at her while she remained indifferent. Dropping my keys on the side table, I glanced back over to Seb but his seat was empty. There was no one. Not even one trace or cease on the bean bag.

His shoes were missing from the shoe stand and the and some K-drama was blaring up on the TV's speakers.

I tightly shut my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, slightly rubbing both of my temples in circular motion.

Not again.

"What's wrong?" Sam's voice came through.

"Having withdrawal symptoms." I said walking over to the bean bag I was staring at a minute ago.

She laughed.

"And it has just been two days!" I continued, raising my voice as I face-palmed myself.

"Too bad there isn't any Sebastian-Vettel-anonymous around here!" She sniggered, getting up to warm some dinner for me.

I ignored her, pulling out my phone and dialled a familiarized number. Five bells later, I quickly disconnected the call realizing the time difference.

I groaned and threw it in the couch beside me.

"Woman, you have it bad." Sam said shaking her head, clearly amused by my behaviour.

"Thats what happens when you spend every moment for three fucking weeks with your boyfriend and then he disappears for another three weeks at a stretch." I stated nonchalantly.

"Duly noted, ma'am!" Mimicking a British accent.

"Abigail's asleep?" I asked diverting her attention from me.

"Yes. But.. She wouldn't stop talking about your racer. 'Sebby this, Sebby that.' I simply failed to understand what charmed spell he put her under and, most importantly, how he got her to sleep in under 10 minutes."

"He was really good with her, no doubt she's grown so attached to him."

"Apparently, she's not the only one who's in love with him." She smirked, cocking one of her eyebrows suggestively.

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