38. The Conclusion

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~Steamy scene ahead~

"I trusted her. I gave her everything. And still, she left.

And that's the risk we take. It's not her fault, child. That's life. That's love.

They call it falling in love because sometimes you're caught,

And sometimes you're not."

Perhaps, I'd been dreaming.

Dreaming about the thumping of his frantic heart, his signature vanilla and mint sniff, about his body glued to mine, his lips motionless against the back of neck, about his long warm fingers resting on my stomach, about his legs entangled with mine..

Dreaming about finally unveiling my feelings for him.

Dreaming about him next to me.

But it felt so real.

Probably this was nothing but exhaustion catching up with me. Today proved to be a rather long and perhaps a very testing day. My body was drained of all my physical charge and emotional energy. At this point if someone argued that Napoleon is still alive or that beer and ice cream are the same, I'd accept that without any objection.

I let out a long and sharp sighing breath. Despite strong protests of my heavy eyelids, I opened my eyes and retracted my arms from around Abigail's tender sleeping form and sat up. Only I couldn't because a tight grip around my waist pulled me back, against a hard surface.

The sudden and unexpected action made me squeal but that strong whiff of that insanely delicious smell transformed it into a rather quiet hum.

Taking the support of the mattress, I turned slightly to face him as I let my arms settle on either side of his shoulders. His arms held me against his body as I let my body weight on me completely.

The first thing that caught my tired eyes were his slightly long but ruffled and curly hair. They were messed up as if he hadn't run a comb through them but his curls were sexy enough for me to swoon all over again.

I felt my body move in align with his chest as he let out a long breath but he still remained silent and unmoving. I forced my eyes to not wander anywhere else, especially not to his blue ones as I let my fingers find their way around his brown locks.

A tiny part of my heart was already panicking for his response, to hear him say that he loves me as well. Although he has professed his feelings through those three specific words a countless number of times before but I needed them again. I need to hear them now. I need to know that I still have his heart, that he belongs to me and no one else.

My patience lifted with yet another moment of silence and stillness. "You're here." I muttered in a shaky voice.

My stupid statement was regarded with silence. However, my body shivered in his hands as he nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck. His curls slightly brushed against my cheek and my stomach tightened in anticipation for a ticklish feeling.

"Why haven't you kissed me already?" I whined. Apparently, he took this as an open challenge for his lips connected with my neck almost instantly. In that exact moment in felt in insides melt. Soon after I gasped somewhat aloud as his teeth attacked my neck and every cell in my body jumped round and about. I could trace the flow of electricity through my blood as his lips and teeth continued to alternate between sucking and nibbling my neck. My fingers found home in his hair, tightly pulling on his brown curls as his brutal, but insanely skilled, mouth delivered intense pleasure like waves crashing on a seashore during a high tide.

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