42. The Chatty Couple

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There are certain things you'll wish could stay
the same forever, but life goes on, with or
without you, advancing with the force of a
whitewater river. Don't exhaust energy trying
to fight the current. Instead, have a little faith,
surrender control, and trust in the journey.

I heard little shoes clanging against the tiled floor on the other side of the door. Few more steps later, a series of soft knocks was heard. As I opened the door, a brown haired 4 year old girl with a big grin came into vision. Extending her arms, she demanded to be held up in my arms as I carried her back to the spot on the bed I had previously occupied, "Mamma's calling you and Uncle Ian."

As if on cue, my little brother gave up on his 11 minute struggle. Holding out the source of the frustration between his fingers, Fabian finally turned towards me. "Do we really have to do this?"

I chuckled shaking my head slightly. "Don't laugh Sebastian. It's not like you're good with them either."

"Yet mine looks better than yours." I shrugged and sloped a wet kiss on the bundle of sweetness resting in my arms.

"That's because you cleverly bought yourself a velcro bowtie. Hardly any effort in comparison to knotting one." He stated rolling his brown eyes at me.

Smiling, "Let's find someone who can fix you this tie successfully."

"I doubt we'll find anyone here." The fear of the bride's wrath had all the family members running on time to all the scheduled events.

Well, of course, apart from us.

"Then let the tie be. You can wear it to the wedding tomorrow; right now we need to head over to the great hall before the bride sends out her mercenaries for our heads." Fabian chuckled tossing the tie on the bed and adjusting the collar of his crisp white shirt, we exited the room. "Little Lujza, please grow up and learn how to knot a tie for you Uncle okay?" He said tickling her neck but only after kissing both of her cheeks first.

She only responded by letting the sound of her happy giggle float across the room as she hid herself in my chest. As we descended the stairs she said, "Mamma says you should do your own work."

"See Uncle Ian, even the kid knows that!" I winked at Lujza who was still clinging on to my neck.

"Let's focus on walking alright!" Fabian waved dismissing our rebuke.

The soft music could be easily heard as we approached the great hall. As the figures in the crowd became clear, my steps faltered-differentiable faces and vivid expressions. Among a gathering of about fifty-five people, one person stood out from the crowd.

A woman.

She looked breathtaking as ever in that black gown and with her hair neatly tucked up in a bun showing off her slender long neck.

"I'm sure mamma must have told you that it's rude to stare." Fabian said winking from four steps ahead of me; his fingers fiddling with the decorative silver cufflink on the other sleeve.

Glaring at him, I accused, "You knew about this, didn't you?"

But he simply shrugged whilst trying to hide his slyness. 

The Unexpected LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora