Chapter Forty - Eight

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Ava - FAMY || "I should love you and I swear I do"


My body vibrates after that morning jog as I pushed through my dorm door. The events of last night filled my mind as I turned the volume up on my headphones. As my eyes closed I pictured the way the firework lights lit Ochaco's sweet face up. I wasn't sure if it was the night or the way she was dressed but my heart swelled from the sight. As I reached over taking her hand those three words danced in my head and all the amazing ways I could tell her. I wanted so much to just tell her right then, how I wanted her to be with me and how much I loved her, but of course I let me own fears get in the way again.

How could I have been so stupid? I knew how I felt about Ochaco, why was it just so damn hard for me to vocalize these feelings...why couldn't I say them out loud to her?

The music continued to blare through my head as I threw my body down onto the bed. Staring up at the ceiling I couldn't help picturing Ochaco's pained face last night as her crystal like tears dragged down her round face. I've shown her how much I care, but even when she says she's fine with that I know deep down she isn't. I could still feel how my mouth opened but remained quiet as the words I had in my head struggled to come out.

Why didn't I just tell her right then? I've never been in this situation before... my whole life girls have just fucking thrown themselves at me and it never interested me much. Just apart of some fucked up sick game I played, but then Ochaco came along and really messed me up. She's controlled every portion of my thoughts and has changed my whole outlook on things.

She's been extremely patient with me and my feelings. So to think I was leaving her in the dark questioning where my head is at really upsets me. In the distance I felt a presence in my room as I shifted in my bed.

Opening my eyes slightly I see Kirishima standing in my room. His body hunched over like he was tip-toeing as his body froze upon seeing my eyes open. I immediately sit up ripping my headphones out of my ears.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I yell as he puts his hands up in a defensive move.

"Whoa whoa" he says with a chuckle "I knocked like ten times and you weren't answering" he smiled big causing his eyes to squint as he continued to hold his hands up.

"Maybe, ASS HAT, I wanted to be alone!" I roll my eyes as I wrap my headphones up and toss them to the side. Deep down I really needed to talk to Kirishima about this, but I'd fucking go ballroom dancing with Deku before I openly admitted that to him.

"Why so emo dude?" He scoffs crossing his arms across his chest. Kirishima already knew the answer to this, he was just being a real ass getting me to tell him.

"Pfft..." I scoff looking out the window as I push myself to the edge of my bed letting my feet hit the floor, "fucking A- everything's just hard to explain"

"Well - try and I'll see what I can do dude" Kirishima was now sitting in a chair leaning his face in his hand, "I mean I'm not an idiot, I know it's about Ochaco."

I felt my spine straighten up a bit at the mention of her name out loud in my room. I felt like I was eight years old again and I didn't want anyone hearing my crushes name or something. Kirishima smiled at my reaction as he shook his head.

"Have you told her everything yet?" He sighed with a half smile.

"No.." I say scratching the back of my neck. Kirishima instantly jumped up flailing his hands in the air.

"Are you kidding me!" He yelled as I stared back bleakly "so you haven't told her anything still!?"

Once again, I just stare blankly as Kirishima plops back into the chair covering his face with an open palm.

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