Chapter Five

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Earned It - The Weeknd || "I'm so used to being used. So I love when you call unexpected, Cause I hate when the moment is expected."

Ochaco P.O.V.

I looked out the side window of our classroom spacing out a bit as the final bell rang. I jumped from the sudden noise of the chairs beginning to squeak back. Taking in a deep breath I look down at my empty notebook, darn... guess I spaced out too hard.

Slowly sliding out of my seat I begin to load my items into my backpack. My eyes gloss over as I continue to pack my folders in. Of course this would happen to me today. It feels like it has been the longest day, thankfully the weekend is already so close since our first day was on a Thursday. I just need to get home and lay down and process everything. First Deku professes his love, for the second time, and Katsuki surprises me by actually acting jealous. As I zip up my binder I feel a hand grab my shoulder, turning around quickly I see Tsu.

"Hey Ochaco" her face looked so happy as she stood before me. Even though I felt crushed and beaten a bit inside I force myself to remain positive to keep her from worrying.

"Tsu! Hey" I say giving her a big smile "Want to walk home with me?" She nods her head quick laughing

"I was just about to ask you the same thing, ribbit" Tsu throws her backpack over her shoulder as we begin walking out the door.

"Hey, guys wait for us!" Deku yelled as he Todoroki, Iida and Sero followed behind waving at us.

As we all walked home everyone began joking about how our first day of the third year at UA was the most uneventful. I laugh along knowing full well I am lying, this is probably the most eventful day I have had in a while.

"The year ones this year look to be a very impressive bunch, I wonder if they need mentors! As a class rep I would be happy to speak on our behalf!" Iida yelled as we all laughed at his seriousness. Its been the third year in a row that he has claimed the title of class rep. He makes sure to let us all know when he can.

"Iida I think we have bigger worries, mainly our futures as heros.. not helping out the new kids," Todoroki said in his regular monotoned voice.

"Ribbit - Well we can still be nice to them right?" Tsu put a finger to her chin looking to the side at us as we all continued walking. I began spacing out a bit thinking about overthinking everything. I quickly felt a hand touch my shoulder causing me to turn quick. Deku.

"H-how was your first-day Ochaco ?" he smiled sweetly at me and I couldn't help but blush. He truly cared about me, this is something I always overlooked when I was waiting by the phone for Katsuki.

"Well, I would say my first day was good! There is so much to learn and I am so excited for us all to grow as heroes" I ball my hand in a fist and make a hero stance causing them to laugh. I chuckle along as we make our way up the steps to our dorms. I almost instantly look up to see Kasuki's light on. I always felt like his protector even though I knew he didn't need it.


I looked down to see Deku standing in front of me. I didn't even hear everyone else go inside, too caught up in my mind as usual.

"Oh sorry, Deku ! What's up?" I smile at him balling my hands under my chin. He began turning a crimson red as he hid his face in his backpack. It looked like he was digging around for something. I turn my head slightly at him before he pulled out a bunch of lines paper with handwritten words on it.

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