Chapter Twenty

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Cherry - Moose Blood || "There's only one place that I wanna be. Home with you girl so I can hear you breathe with your hair up like you do and that face that you give me when you've missed me"

The following day I gathered some homework and made my way to the dining room, it was Saturday morning and I wanted to take Tsu and Bakugou's advice. I needed to do things for myself right now. Number one on that list is bringing up my English grade... ugh. Once I had my area set up just so I jump up to fill up my water bottle in the kitchen. Walking through the entryway I am met head-on with the last person I needed to see right now.

"Morning Ochaco"

"Morning Deku" I smile and make my way to the faucet to fill my pink water bottle. I had my back to him so I wasn't sure what exactly he was doing or if he was even there. It was so quiet I assumed he left, but once I turned back around he was still standing there. "Is there something I can help you with?" I say nicely watching as he fidgeted and turned red. "W-well Ochaco, I was thinking about what you said yesterday at school ... and I feel terrible about it." 

I was a bit surprised, but I listened intently as he continued, "I thought about it all night... This is all new to me and I know I'm not doing a great job, but hopefully, we can spend some time today?" I nod and smile at his sincerity. "Sure, since the winter break is coming up I wanted to study for the English final. Care to join?" He smiles from the invite and nodes excitedly. "Sure! Let me grab my stuff from my room and I'll come to meet you." I nod and watch as he takes off to his room. He was so cute when he got overly excited.

Returning back to my work I begin reading, but my mind drifts off. With winter break coming up I will have to spend another break here alone... I always hated that because my family lived way too far away and we didn't have the money to get me back and forth. I've grown used to it now, but it didn't make it any less painful. I begin to write down some notes about the chapter before me as I hear footsteps approach me. Looking up I see an excited Deku and smile inviting him to sit down. "Thanks for letting me join! What chapter are you on right now?" 

We spent the remainder of the hour working on our notes. We compared our answers and gathered together a pretty good study guide for the final. I was quite proud of myself actually. Reaching for highlighter Deku and my hand brush and we look up at each other causing us both to blush. Neither one of us moves our hand which only deepens my blush.  "Sorry," I say quickly. "Don't be sorry.." Deku climbs up over the table grabbing hold of my hand pulling me up to meet his gaze in the middle of the table. I wasn't sure how I felt, but I knew I was happy to see him actually showing affection towards me for the first time in a month. 

Holding my breath I met his gaze and smiled. Deku lifted his free hand and brought it to my cheek pulling me in even closer to his face. We were so close I could feel his cool breath, but before I could say anything his lips crashed into mine. My eyes widen from the urgency in his kiss, I relaxed my shoulders and kissed him back feeling my eyes lower. His soft lips pressed against mine and I wasn't complaining. Lifting my hand I dragged my fingers through his hair and felt his kiss deepen. Before the kiss could go any further the side door to the dining room whipped open causing us both to jolt and sit back down in our seats. I lift my book to cover my face and hide from whoever just opened the door. 

"Don't even worry about it Ochaco.." I lower the book a bit and make eye contact with him he was back to writing in his notes and I look at him sideways.. "Who even was that?" I look to the side as the door was closed again. 

"Just Katcchan.." 

My stomach sank at the thought of him seeing us kiss... We just got our friendship back and this is how I act in front of him... then again.. he shouldn't really care... Should he? Deku and I continued working on our assignments and all I could think about was the kiss that Bakugou just walked in on... I wonder what he was thinking. "Hey Ochaco?" I look up and see him looking back at me concerned. "Everything alright?" I nod "Yeah I'm ok" He smiles and continued back to his work. I wonder why he hasn't asked about my plans for the break. He knew how far my family was so maybe he would invite me to meet his mother and come over for dinner a couple of nights during the break. 

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