Chapter Three

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I love you, I love you - JUNG || "I've been afraid since I lost you that day and the promise I made was forever love. If I move on I still feel like it's wrong. I keep trying because I know you got it better now"

Baku P.O.V

I looked around the room and saw only two people missing from our class...FUCKING DEKU AND FLOATY! I bang my first down on the table. I knew this was going to fucking happen..."GODDAMNIT !!!!"

"Whoooa whooaa man, why so heated" Kirishima smirked at me laughing to himself while the rest of the class, now used to my shit by now, looked the other way staying out of the crossfires.

"SHUT UP WEIRD HAIR" Kirishima fucking pissed me off, but he's done a lot for me I guess so I let it slide, kinda...

"Dude this is our third year, you need to calm down maybe a half an inch..." Kirishima said under his breath while Denki nodded his head.

"OHH SHUTTTT UPPPPP ALREADY YOU TWO!!!" I feel my hands spark up and watch the two hair for brains put their hands up in defeat. Before I could continue blasting these losers the classroom door slides open and I see fucking Deku and Round Face.

Ochaco looked as she always did. I wasn't sure if it was the distance this summer or what, but for whatever reason I felt my hands sweat just from the sight of her. As my eyes trailed down her body my hands quickly clench at the sight because the losers holding her damn hand! When did that bug get some balls and step up to the plate...

She catches my eye and quickly looks away... fucking pink cheeks thinks she can hide. I watch her as she hides her face from everyone and takes her seat. Mr. Aizawa enters the room and orders everyone to sit down and write a paper about specific quirks that we see as being useful but have backfired on their users before wrapping himself up into a burrito. I watch as the fucking loser Deku glance longingly back at Floaty and it pisses me the fuck off. Deku and I are better, but not that much. He still fucking pisses me off. Everything about him rubs me the wrong way.

Fucking Floaty doesn't even look at me which pisses me off more. I know I never treated her the way she needed to be treated but fuck... Deku is the next best thing? I spiral quickly into my thoughts of her before Kirishima throws a paper ball at me.

"Dude you gotta get writing this is due before lunch" his voice is a sharp whisper but I can't say he's wrong. Like I said earlier, he's helped me out a lot. Having the best grades in our class is something I don't want to lose. Plus my old hag of a mother would kick my ass if I fell behind even a little... I shake my head fast in a sad attempt to shake these thoughts out. I'm fucking pathetic...

Not even 15 minutes goes by before my thoughts get the best of me. Without even thinking I pull out my phone and type in Floaty's numbers... Mr. Aizawa's monotoned voice interrupts me and I slide it back into my pocket. "Shit" I mumble under my breath. I hope what I said was enough...I've really never been good with words...

When the lunch bell rings I watch the weakling Deku linger around pink cheeks desk waiting for a moment to approach... I chuckle to myself at the fucking loser's game. All the while I know she's looking at my text. I stick my hands in my pockets and begin walking out of class with derp face and weird hair trailing behind.

"So you coming with us to lunch Lord Explosion" Derp face nudges weird hair and they both laugh their assess off

"Don't call me that you fucking loser....and no I got shit to do quick...try to find something to do while I'm gone shit for brains" I turn around fast before I can hear the response. I hear them chuckle and make their way in the direction of the cafeteria.

Walking down the stairs I begin reminiscing about the times Floaty and I would linger around after school before heading to the dorms or during our lunch periods. No one ever knew and no one will ever know about the time we spent together. I opened up to that damn girl more than anyone before. It's just all became too real and I ran, like I always fucking do.

I look around the space we called "ours" and thought about all the things that have happened here... when we had our rematch from the sports festival, when we vented about our families, and eventually where we had our first kiss...FUCK...

I let out a sigh and lean against the wall... I wonder if she will actually come. She probably hates me after the things I said to her.. I'm such a fucking prick. Before I can get lost in my own thoughts anymore I hear footsteps train down the hallway. I recognize her steps and feel my hands start to sweat...

As the steps begin to grow louder they quickly stop right in front of me. Turning my head I take her all in. She looks so nervous and I have no idea why... Her hips swayed as her brown hair flows with as she steps. Those stupid big doe eyes widen as she stares at me... "it's been a while" I say before approaching her.

She looks, even more, scared the closer I get. I fucking hate that. Does she actually think I would fucking hurt her or something? She really has no damn clue what's going on in my head...

Watching as her mouth parts inviting me to kiss her I immediately crash my lips against hers. I forgot how she tasted... I don't feel her push me away so I begin grabbing at her clothes. The familiar sent of her was like a drug to me.. I missed her.

I feel small hands pull me in causing my quirk to spark in my hands. Her eyes flutter as she begins to kiss me back. I begin to feel myself lose it as my hand reaches down to squeeze her hip hearing her whimper a bit.

Fuck, why does she have so much power of me?

As our kiss intensified I feel her legs give out as I wrap my arm around her waist holding her close to me. Returning back to the role of her protector. Pulling away for just a second she immediately pushed me back...WHAT THE FUCK...

"I can't do this" She yells and I take a step back. As she explains herself I stand back shocked at what she's saying. She actually thinks I only give a fuck because of fucking dumb Deku... As I watch her wipe her eyes I realize she's crying now and I am the cause of stomach sinks I never want to be the reason she cries, I am such a fuck up. I watched as the tears slowly trailed down her face as my stomach twisted into notes. I try to make steps towards her to dry her tears, but she turns and runs from me before I had the chance.

As I watch her run down the hallway I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I know I have a lot of making up to do. I should have never treated her the way I did, I should have done more for her like she always did for me. I feel an intense flame inside me grow as I punch the wall with all my might causing a large crack to appear...

She doesn't understand what I am feeling, she never asked me... I am such an ass and I never know how to fucking express myself...

Resting my head against the cool wall as I collect myself. I still haven't even had lunch yet. Feeling a tear form in my left eye I quickly wipe it and walk up the stairs back to the main floor to meet the two idiots. I couldn't be seen as some weak guy crying in the abandoned staircase over some little girl.

Stomping my feet up the stairs I ignore everyone around me as I b-line to the cafeteria. I couldn't get the image of Ochaco crying out of my head as I continued walking. It wasn't the first time I made her cry, but this seemed different. She was standing up for herself and putting me in my place for once, something she's never done. Something no ones ever done.

Why did I get so upset today? So upset that I needed to pull her away and try to talk to her and make things go back to the way they were. She thinks it's because of Deku but I knew it was far more than that. I completely ruined everything between her, to say I didn't think about her constantly would be a lie. I could never admit to her or anyone how much she means to me.

I stop in my tracks and lean my hand up against a locker catching my breath. I didn't even realize how fast I was walking as I try to steady my breaths.

Seeing Ochaco with someone else ignited something in me that I just couldn't seem to shake no matter how I tried. She looked at me with so much disgust it almost made me sick. I sounded so selfish going on when I was the one who pushed her away and eventually ignored her to protect myself when in reality she was probably the greatest thing in my life.

Clenching my jaw I collect myself and take in a breath. Ochaco told me to stay away from her, but it was going to take a lot more than words to keep me from trying.

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