Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Vance Joy - Georgia || And I could easily lose my mind. The way you kiss me will work each time. Pulling me back into the flames and I'm burning up again, I'm burning up"

Monday's were never fun as I tried to keep myself awake in class. I spent the majority of the weekend hanging out with Bakugou and didn't get much sleep. I had already told Tsu about everything and she was beyond floored. I vividly remember her facial expression when I told her about our conversation that night. I purposefully left out the whole... staying in the same tent thing because I felt like some things I needed to keep between Bakugou and me.  Tsu was the only one who knew for a fact something was happening. I wasn't sure about the rest of the class, but I had a strong feeling Kirishima also knew. 

Continuing on with my notes for class my mind drifted around to what I might say to Deku if I had the chance. He, of course, would feel a bit betrayed so I needed to choose my words carefully. I hadn't seen him yet since the whole thing with Bakugou so the situation was put on hold. As the bell rang for lunch everyone quickly gathered their things and made their way to lunch. Hearing loud footsteps behind me I turn to see Bakugou with his regular scowl as he marched with his hands in his pockets. Students cleared the hallway and I laughed as the hallway parted like a sea allowing for King Explosion himself to pass through with ease. 

"OI!! WAIT UP ANGEL FACE!" He yelled causing all heads to turn in the hallway. Tsu, Iida, and Todorki walked by us unsure if they should approach when Bakugou was around. It had been that way lately. I was still close to everyone, but when Bakugou was next to me they were a bit standoffish. I could understand why though. He didn't exactly make other feel good, heck he hardly called anyone by their actual names... so seeing us together was probably a shock to not only class 1A, but to other grades as well. 

Deku pushed past happily on his way to meet our friends, "Good afternoon Ochaco!" He waved as he walked by. Deku seemed completely fine with everything, nothing could possibly go wrong if I told him today right? Tsu told me that I needed to talk to him as soon as I saw him again so I needed to make up a good game plan. 

"The hell was that about?" Bakugou watched as Deku strolled off laughing with the rest of the gang. His grit teeth in a scowl as he stared down the hallway. 

"Oh god, nothing just said "Hi" is all" I laugh waving my hands defensively. My eyes look down the hallway as my friends disappear behind the corner of the hall. I smile holding my books close to my chest as we begin our strides to the cafeteria. 

"Wanna grab some lunch together? I think Kirishima and those losers are already down there.." He seemed nervous asking me like he thought I was going to say no as his hands remained in his pockets. 

"Sure! Id love to!" I didn't even realize that the hallways were cleared out as I smiled up at him. "I just need to go grab my lunch then I will come to meet you"

Bakugou smiled in response as he leaned over looking side to side to make sure the coast was clear before kissing my cheek. "Hurry the fuck up Floaty". I smiled as he laughed making his way to the cafeteria alone. I watched him walk past a few first years pushing them out of the way, "MOVE IT LOSERS!" the young kids stepped back scared out of their minds and I covered my mouth and let a small giggle escape. I was definitely in their position before and was scared out of my mind of him when I first met him, but once you get to know him... it's almost comical.  

Turning down the hallway I strolled down the empty hallway to homeroom to grab my lunch. Once I had my lunch I turned and rushed to the lunchroom. I wonder what everyone would think when I sat next to Bakugou and his gang today.  walking by the front door of the school I saw Deku sitting outside alone eating lunch. I stood there for a minute unable to move due to fear. 

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