Chapter Eleven

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Be My Escape - Relient K || "I'm stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake. I gotta get outta here and I'm begging you, I'm begging you to be my escape"

Sitting in the waiting room I heard the crowd become louder as the time to fight's start time got closer. I think people were excited to see this matchup after our first year. Bakugou had not held back the last time we fought and I really hoped he would not this time either.

I immediately was reminded of what Deku said before the semi-finals. Was he actually serious? At the end of the day we are all here, for one thing, that's to become the next big hero. If he thought I was going to hold back he was mistaken, so why would he hold back with me? Because he "loved" me? Because I was a girl?

I pushed the table away from me as I got up abruptly. I was so sick of this treatment from the boys in our class. The only one who ever looked at me like an equal was Bakugou. He was the only one who respected me as a competitor while everyone else was too scared to hurt me.

When we completed the first year everyone considered him the role of a "villain" for the way he showed no mercy on me, but I had a completely new outlook on him. It's honestly a huge part of why I fell for him back then.

I paced the waiting room as the thoughts swirled my head. Things between us have been so different though, we aren't the same people we were that first sports festival. My emotions towards him at this point were so contorted and estranged at this time so it would not make it hard to fight him.

Maybe this mess with him would result in a positive for me. Maybe even a win. I felt my adrenalin race as the countdown for the match began. I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed through the door. Turning to look down the hall I saw another door swing open.

Bakugou emerged slamming the door behind him. The blonde spiked hair that stood on his head flowed back with the swift movement of the door before quickly returning to its natural state. His jawline tightened as he cocked his head slightly in my direction as if he already knew I was there.

He looked me right in the eyes and approached aggressively. I watched him take each step noticing the way his temple pulsed with each step. It made me nervous about what he was going to say.

"Oi! Floaty fuck!" he yelled looking down at me as his chin pointed up. He looked serious, and a little scary. I just stood in front of him and held my ground the best I could. "What." I crossed my arms and stared back hearing Present Mic announce the next match in the distance. "You ready to get your ass kicked little girl?" He gritted his teeth and laughed a devilish laugh.

I watched as the veins in his arms pulsed. Bakugou was dead serious. He was actually getting fired up for this match, even after everything that we had been through. He was treating me like I was just some stranger.... I knew Bakugou was competitive, but I wasn't expecting him to react this aggressive.

I needed to do something quickly before he got the idea that I was scared or would fold under his intimidation tactics. I stepped on my tippy toes just to meet his level a little bit and poked his rock hard chest with my pointer and middle finger, but of course, he didn't move an inch "You don't scare me " I said giving a half smirk before leaning back onto my heels. He scoffed looking away from me, "don't be as helpless and pathetic as last time, I can't look like the villain preying on the weak again" he turned away and made his way to the stadium.

It was as if someone punched me in the gut. He turned so fast it causes the hairs in front of my face to flow blocking my view a bit. I watched as he continued down the hall his hands sparking slightly, my body frozen unable to move until I couldn't see him anymore.

My face grew hot and my hands tighten up. I was mad. Not just because of what Bakugou just said, but what Deku said earlier and the emotions I am currently feeling between Deku and Bakugou. It felt as though I was drowning and couldn't find something to grab onto. No one knew what I was going through, I had all of these emotions building inside me and I felt like this was the moment that I was officially losing it.

I don't remember walking out into the arena, I only remember looking across when Present Mic announced our names to see Bakugou take a stance. He looked angry as his eyes squinted slightly and her tilted his head down giving an evil expression that reminded me of the old Bakugou.

My body mimicked him as the buzzer went off. My mind was blank, all I could see was him across the arena from me, almost like tunnel vision. The crowd became quiet in my mind and the beating in my chest was all that I could hear. Bakugou quickly took off towards me pulling his arm back preparing to do his signature move. I knew this one already as I snapped back to reality dodging the move in the nick of time. His fist slammed into the ground to my left causing the floor to crack and vibrate.

As his head shot around I tensed up, but not for long because he was back again for close contact punches. I dodged the best I could, my main goal was to touch him, but he knew that because it was my strategy before. I miss stepped in my attempt to grab hold giving him an opening and he took it...his blast shot me blowing me across the ring.

My eyes squinted shut preparing for impact. The hard floor scratching against my arms tearing into my gym uniform as my body rolled for a bit before stopping only inches from the boundary. Inches away from being out. I lifted myself up by my arms and looked across the arena to see Bakugou standing with his arms to his side, palms to the air sparking off his quirk laughing loudly.

"Is that all you've got pink cheeks? I thought you got stronger?" His mimicking voice frustrated me more than before. He has toyed with me the last time. I quickly took off his explosions missing me as I flipped and dodges.

Noticing all the loose gravel around I quickly had an idea. Touching the rocks around me without him knowing I continued to circle around him in an attempt to catch him off guard or at least make him dizzy. "ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES !" He yelled firing off a huge blast as I quickly dropped to the ground, the flames burning my back as I pulled my hands forward to activate my quirk, careful not to lift my body even an inch for fear of being burned worse than I already am.

I winced in pain before firing the loose rocks in his direction, there were so many he wasn't able to dodge them all as a few made direct contact with him. He growled blasting off the rest then racing towards me. He never held back with his blasts, it was similar to before. I felt my body weaken but I kept making advances. I continued trying to get closer to him but was blasted with every advance.

I was not giving up, I hoped that he would eventually grow tired. I quickly remembered a close contact move I learned during my internship and raced once again in his direction. His body tensed ready for another blast. As I sped up his arm pumped back almost like it was loading up for a big blast.

Inches away he began to release his arm and I ducked down, swinging my leg around below me causing Bakugou to trip falling on his side the blast now rocketing into the area stands.

The audience ran and screamed while the other half cheered, excited to see me have the upper hand finally. Bakugou looked up quickly at me and for a minute he seemed impressed. His large body lay on the ground for a minute before attempting to get up. It was no use though because I had jumped on top of him straddling his stomach, he struggled and with one blow punched so hard into my side I flew across the stage.

I couched trying to catch my breath, surprised at what had happened I looked up wiping my lip to see Bakugou now standing angrily gritting his teeth. "Good try floaty, but this is where you die" He yelled but before he could lunge at me I quickly used my anti-gravity and lifted him into the air. I had managed to get a clean touch to his stomach when I was on top of him. His eyes widened as his body floated above the arena floor.

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