Chapter Twenty-Three

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You & Me - James TW || "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I always forget that you can't read my mind. As long as I got you and me. I'll always have everything I need. You don't even realize what you mean. No one could fall for you quite like me. No one could get me so perfectly"

Closing my door behind me I walked down the empty hallway just as the sun was rising. I was surprisingly awake before my alarm. It wasn't as bad getting up this morning, though I was a bit sore. Bakugou would probably still have something to say so I quickly picked up speed.

It was always so creepy when the dorms were empty. It always felt like someone was watching you behind the shadows. As I ran through the dark kitchen to the front door I stopped in my tracks seeing Bakugou standing out in the front yard facing the sunrise. I wasn't sure why he was standing there watching the sunrise, but I didn't mind the view. He wore a black tank top and grey sweatpants with his white gym shoes. I watched as the sky turned a dark pink than a light purple behind him. It was so beautiful, like a painting you would see on a wall. Bakugou stood watching as I continued to stand on the front steps. I wasn't sure how I was feeling, but I knew that my heart was beating extremely fast.

Hearing my footsteps Bakugou's head turned slowly to the side making direct eye contact with me. "Hey Pink Cheeks" a soft smile spread on his face that sent a chill down my spine. I smiled back and made way towards him. "Morning" I smile stretching my arms "You stretch yet? Or did you just daydreaming the whole time."

"pfft aw shit, the student becomes the teacher eh?" He follows my lead and stretched his arms. Continuing to stretch silently, I look over to my left and watch as Bakugou's triceps flex and pulse with his stretches. I couldn't look away.

"Oi, you like the view?" I felt my cheeks burn intensely from his statement and averted my eyes away from him.

"So five miles again today?" I say uncomfortably.

"Yeah, that's right, unless you're too tired from yesterday?" I laughed at his know it all tone before turning back to face him.

"You mean if you're too tired right?" giving him a wave I quickly run off laughing. Hearing his steps behind me I turn to my right to see him running beside me.

"Aye! You think you're funny Pink Cheeks?" a genuine smile spread across his face that warmed my heart. "Yeah, let's see what you've got!" I say speeding up some more.

After running only three and a half miles I noticed Bakugou slowing down. "You have enough?" I laugh jogging in place turning around to face him. He said nothing and walked towards the pond to the right of the sidewalk. I stop jogging and begin walking towards him.

"Everything alright?" I said stepping closer to him. "Yeah... I'm good. Let's be done for today yeah?" I was surprised to hear this from him, but I wasn't going to complain about it. I stood there silently next to him wondering why we were even here.

"So... why exactly did we stop here?" He looked down at me then back out at the pond. "Well, sometimes on good days, like today I like to stop and hang out here... Kinda nice to get away from UA for a little bit...away from all the fucking stress and pressure" I watch him as he talks noticing that his tone seemed pained a bit, like he truly did feel a lot of pressure.

I would have never known that from watching him. He always excelled at everything and pushed himself to new heights to become the best. As I stared at his expression looking out at the pond I knew this place was special to him and I was pleased to know he wanted to bring me here.

"Hey Katsuki?" I say taking hold of his arm. He looks down at my hand on his arm then connects his gaze with mine, "Thanks for showing me this spot". He nods his head respectfully. " Ochaco, do you ever feel pressure to be something you're not?" I was a bit taken back as I stared into his dark red eyes. "Yeah, you knew that. I feel stressed about my family all the time..." He scrunched his nose and shook his head, "no... not like in the hero world, like do you ever feel like you're not being your true self?"

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