Chapter Forty - Six

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Stay Awake - Dean Lewis || 'Cause they say the bigger the love, the harder the fall. Well, I'm crashing through the floor"

The following week at school was like any other. Classes, studying and more classes. I tried my best to focus on the the work but my mind continually drifted to my internship. I hadn't heard anything about where I would be placed yet and it was beginning to stress me out.

I hadn't spoken to Bakugou about it either so I wasn't sure if he was already accepted somewhere or if he was feeling stressed too. He probably would have told me if he did find out something.

As I picked up my things I felt a familiar presence behind me. Shoving my last notebook into my backpack I turned around to see Bakugou standing there with a smile.

"Hey Floaty" he laughed as I smiled back at him. He reached out taking hold of my bag as he slung it over his shoulder.

"You ready?" He said softly while I nodded my head in response. Making  our way into the hallways I noticed Tsu only a few steps ahead. Looking up at Bakugou then back at her I instinctively yell out to her.

"Hey Tsu!"

The hallway opened a bit as people turned around to hear the completion. Tsu turned her head around quickly instantly making eye contact with me with a cheerful smile. The smile faded a bit as her eyes drifted up to Bakugou. She seemed hesitant to approach but Bakugou stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled which helped ease the awkwardness.

Tsu walked over with a smile, still a bit nervous before speaking up, "Hey Ochaco .. and Bakugou"

"Hey Tsu! Want to walk with us to lunch?" I said cheerfully. It was my mission to get Bakugou friendly with at least some of my friends before the year ended. He always had his tight group of friends and never really made an effort to talk to anyone else. I wasn't expecting him to be some social butterfly, cause that was never going to happen, but I wanted him to realize other people do in fact want to get to know him.

"Oh-uh Yeah sure!" She smiled as we all made our way down the stairs.

Bakugou was pretty quiet as we walked down the hall saying hello to our other friends that passed. Every so often we would stop and interact with someone and Bakugou would stand beside me and listen respectfully. He kept the insults to himself and wasn't calling anyone of my friends names, even Deku! As the shocked expressions grew around us so did my smile. I knew he was doing all of this for me, making this effort to become civil with the people I'm close to.

"So Tsu.." I watched as Tsu expression turned to shock looking up at Bakugou. "Hm?"

"Have you heard anything about where you'll go this summer for internships?" He said with a calm tone. I was a bit impressed myself, but confused why he's never talked to me about our internships yet.

"Well, actually I just heard today where I'll be going" Tsu said with a smile, happy that someone seemed interested.

"I didn't know that! Why didn't you tell me Tsu!" I say excited for her resting my hand on her shoulder.

"I-I just didn't want to make it a big deal, I know some others haven't heard back yet" she said sweetly.

"FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!" His tone got louder as the people around us jumped, "you should be proud of yourself" Bakugou said gruffly and it made me laugh. He had been trying so hard not to cuss, but at the end of the day you cannot change Katsuki Bakugou.

"Yeah you're right... well have you heard anything Bakugou?" Tsu said as we all turned the corner towards the cafeteria.

"Yeah.... actually I heard yesterday" I look up at him a bit annoyed he never voiced this to me but continue listening , "I'll be working with All Might this summer, Deku's also going to be there" he said rolling his eyes a bit.

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