Fireworks Happen

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"Why are we in the air again?" asked Sarah, who was seated in the passenger's seat of the helicopter Fushimi was piloting.

"You really are an airhead, aren't you?" he asked rhetorically. She brushed off the question as it meant nothing to her.

"You know, for a moment I thought you wouldn't come back for me with the 'copter. Like you actually planned on ditching me from the start." she said. Fushimi gripped tightly onto the cyclic-pitch lever as he grumbled to himself.

"Of course you'd know that." he said. He then puts all his focus on the airship in front of him. "It seems quiet. Looks as if no one's aboard."

"It could be a trick. Jack wants us to think that he's not aboard the ship so we end up in a never-ending search on the city ground." suggested Sarah.

"Or it's a trap and once we're aboard the ship it blows up." Fushimi's suggestion seemed the most likely to happen but Sarah had a feeling something important was on that ship.

"I have to board that ship." she said, determined and unpersuadable. Fushimi had no choice but to land the helicopter and let her board the ship. He later on decides to get out and go with her. On the way to the Black King's office, he notices that not a single black clansman is around. His pace quickened and he finds Sarah staring at something on the desk. He goes over to see what it was himself. A silver necklace with some sort of key attached to the chain was laid on top of a note.

"What does the note say?" he asked but Sarah didn't answer. She was too transfixed on the necklace. Fushimi picks up the note, sliding the necklace off it, to read it. The note read:

You can't run away from the problems you cause.

You can't fix them either.

Friendship and love shouldn't matter to you.

You're destined to be alone forever anyways.

Just give in to your dark desires and let me take care of everything.


So there really was no way of stopping the darkness from consuming Shizume City. Whether they take down the "ghost" or he kills Sarah, the city is doomed to fall to the darkness anyways. Suddenly, Sarah finally says something.

"Sora…" she's barely heard but something clicks in the room. Fushimi checks under the desk and what he finds is a detonator about to go off any second now.

"Sarah! We have to get off this ship now!" he yelled. He starts heading back to the helicopter, remembering her dark side's words. He figured it would all be over if he left her to die but something told him he couldn't let that happen. Quickly he runs back and grabs her. She grabs the necklace and obediently runs with him. They make it out but not in time to get on the helicopter and end up getting thrown into the city by the explosion.

Hopefully the debris from a fallen building cushioned their fall...or not. Tiny pieces of metal and glass stuck in their skin like they were pincushions. Fushimi had blood running from his head and Sarah's arms were scraped up pretty bad but none had any broken bones.

Suddenly, Sarah gasps. Fushimi looks at her with concern.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Where's Kye?" she asked, looking around herself. Fushimi sighed into his palm.

"He didn't come with us." he replied. Sarah stopped searching for the Strain boy and took a seat on a broken desk. She took out the necklace she'd placed in her pocket before the airship exploded and examined it closely. Fushimi leans against a wall of broken windows that managed to stay intact after the building had fallen, meaning the building's frame of course.

"What's with you and that necklace anyway?" asked Fushimi, "You were pretty zoned out staring at it."

Sarah holds it up and lets it swing from her hand. She smiles.

"As expected. There's a soul trapped in this." she said. Fushimi gives her a confused look.

"What?" he said with disbelief.

"Here." She takes the key by its handle, letting the chain dangle and closed her eyes. "Sora." This time Fushimi heard her clearly and wondered who exactly this Sora person even was. In a flash of light the small key turned into a large one. It seemed to be more of a weapon than a object used to open things now. Setting a hand on the key-shaped blade, Fushimi looks Sarah in the eyes.

"Will this end this dark madness for good?" he asked. He had a feeling that she wouldn't end it. That she didn't want this to end. He just wanted all this to stop before she'd make it even worse. She stared at him as if reading his thoughts and she was.

"You're right. I don't want this to end but if it continues I'm afraid I won't know what I'm doing anymore and everything will be messed how I feel right now." she said, mumbling the last part to herself. Fushimi is starting to look annoyed.

"So you're saying that everything's already messed up and there's no stopping what you started." he said.

"Wow. You catch on quick."

"I just have an author who likes to slip information to the characters she uses in her stories."

"Oh. Maybe I shouldn't do that."

Fushimi nods for her to continue whatever she's about to do but before she could do anything fireworks go off near them and a familiar face makes his appearance.

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